Friday 18 November 2016

You Use Sex To Get A Man

Sex is a gift from God for married couples. Engaging in pre-marital that sex is not protected by marital vows of total commitment and fidelity will expose you to emotional, physical and spiritual problems.

Seducing a man with your beauty and body in order to make him fall in love with you is bound to fail no matter how far you've gone in the relationship. A lasting relationship is not based on sex but on the connection you both have emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. If you are not socially, spiritually, emotionally or intellectually, compatible, sex will not make it happen. You both will remain incompatible.

Sex cannot make up for your irreconcilable differences. Even if it seems as if you will succeed and marry this man, he will eventually see through the smoke screen of sex and seek his freedom.
Using sex to make a man fall in love with you is practicing  witchcraft.

If guy doesn't love you, he never will no matter how much sex you give to him. Have you considered the possibility that the man is just hanging around you because you are foolishly giving him sex free sex?
Apart from the spiritual consequences of your action, you are exposing yourself to Sexually Transmitted

Diseases and an unwanted pregnancy. The consequences of unwanted pregnancy are many.
If you get pregnant  for this man through your indiscretion, you may jeopardise your education, career or future because you have to take care of a child.

A pregnancy can also destroy your relationship especially if the man is unwilling to accept of the pregnancy.
He may accuse you of sleeping around. You will also lose the respect of the family, friends and colleagues who thought so highly of you.

Think about it, what kind of respect will you have a man you seduced with sex to marry you? Deep inside, you will still feel unloved, unwanted and unappreciated because the man never consented willingly to marry you

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