Friday 18 November 2016

Do Men Really Want the 'Cool Girl?'

"Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex.
The other day a friend sent me the quote above and asked, "Do guys really want the Cool Girl?" The short answer is "yes" and also "no." Let's break up the definition of the "Cool Girl" and see how many of these things actually matter to men.

Being a Bro
There is a massive assumption that all men desire a woman with whom they could bro-out. The woman who not only knows the ins-and-outs of football but has a favorite team, guys are looking for more than a bro in their romantic partner. They don't want a friend with whom they can play video games. They have plenty of those. They want someone they can talk with, share their heart with, and of course have sex with.

 Being a Sex Maniac
It's no secret that men fantasize about sex. On behalf of heterosexual men I admit it; we tend to fantasize about sexual acts that may be off-limits to some people, such as threesomes and anal sex. But for many men there's a Madonna/whore complex. For these guys, in theory they
want a woman who would do all sorts of crazy things in bed, but the women they actually choose to date would rarely go for it. If you're not the type to go for it, that's okay. Really. In fact, if you turned to your guy and asked to do something way out of your usual sexual wheelhouse it might freak him out.

Being Hot and Understanding
This is where the definition gets vague enough that I can unequivocally say yes - men want the women they date to be hot and understanding. But what "hot" means is entirely subjective. Hot does not, as the definition at the beginning of this piece implies, mean you have to be a size 2. We men like women of all shapes and sizes. And one of the hottest things about a woman is that final word in the definition: understanding.

We men know that there are a plethora of cool girls out there. But in searching for the "Cool Girl" type we are looking for women who are confident in their own skin, understand who they are, and who like us for who we are too. That is the essence of being cool.

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