Friday 18 November 2016

You Give Your Heart To A Man, And Then You Latter Try To Use Your Head To Make The Relationship Work.

Love is a very overpowering emotion . When you've crossed the boundaries of friendship into love, it is already too late to begin to use your head to assess the merits of the man you are interested in.

When you in love, you see things through rose coloured glasses. So, before you give your heart to this guy you like, use your head. Find out all you can about him. Don't take his word for it. Check out his stories; they may just out to be a fool's tale. If you give your heart to him without first assessing him, you may find yourself in a trap.

Therefore, before you leap with love into the hands of this prince charming, use your head.
Your Prince charming may just turn out to be  a frog wearing a wearing a very good disguise.

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