Friday 18 November 2016

You Enter Into Relationship With An Unavailable Man

An unavailable man is who you cannot get married to no matter how hard you try. There are different kinds of unavailable men.
The Married Man. This man is committed by law and covenant to his wife and children. No  matter how how much he says he loves you, he is unavailable. He may shower you with expensive gifts and money, but no matter what he does, he is  unfaithful man. If he is capable of being unfaithful to his wife, he will do the same to you. The man will eventually bring you untold pain, shame and a broken heart

The emotionally unavailable man. This man has been through a lot of emotional challenges. Maybe he has even been hurt by all the women he has ever dated. He is in a survival mode of emotional and defense; he locks up his emotional and feelings from everyone including you. He never shows you any kind of love or affection unless you push him to do it. You are the one always running after him, encourage him to stay in the relationship.
If this man has no feelings for you, let him go. If you emotionally manipulate him to stay in a relationship with you, you will end up punishing yourself for nothing because all your effort to transform him into a more loving, caring and warn person will be a great waste of your valuable energy and time.

The physical unavailable man. You may be in a relationship with a man who is separated from you by distance; this man is unavailable. for relationship to work out, you need to connect with this man on an emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. His physical presence and touch is of vital importance in building your relationship. psychologists tell is that we need about eight different kinds of touch daily to feel emotionally balance and connected. Touching is a vital key for building your relatioship.

A relationship does not become strong and vibrant just by talking on the phone with him, you need to see how he feels, respond to you, his facail expression etc. You  should not trust a man that you've not tested enough through time. One of the growing forms of dating is through the internet. You talk to a man on the net; look at him with the aid of a web cam and you tell yourself that  you really know him; you are in love. What kind of is that? How can you tell what this man goes when he gets up from his computer or phone? How many internet arranged marriages actually work out? Have you bothered to check out divorce rate? If you commit yourself to man you hardly know, hardly see or completely trust, you are be commtting yourself to a divorce even before your marriage. if this man is anothern city, town or country, Your relationship may never work out.

If you both however had  a thriving relationship before he traveled and if he is not going to stay away from you for too long, then your relationship may just work out.

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