Friday 18 November 2016

You Adapt To An Unhealthy relationship Instead Of Demanding For Change,Respect And Honour

Holding onto an unhealthy relationship, adapting to the man's juvenile, irresponsible and disgraceful behaviour, then expecting him to change through prayer is a mistake.
This man doesn't give you honour and respect. You deserve better; you deserve the best. You should see yourself the way God sees you. You are royalty. You deserve to be treated with honour and respect. You should demand to be treated that way. Lowering your high, godly and scripture standards to accommodate a man who refuses to live by God;s standards is dehumanizing. You've got to stand up for what you believe.

As you treat him with respect and honour, demanding the same from him.Is he verbally, physically, or emotionally abusive to you? Do you feel trapped, oppressed and harassed when you are with  leave him now? Do you think of all you will lose if you leave him now? Are scared of life without him? Has he threatened you in any way: he will deal with you if you ever leave him? Is he involved in ungodly, unscriptural behaviour? If your answer is yes to any of those questions, you are in an unhealthy relationship.

Ask your man to go for counseling with you. Both of you should go to someone you both respect and trust, who will keep matters discussed in private confidential.

That is why it is of vital importance that you look for you and connect with a female mentor who has a connect with a female mentor who  successful, long time and godly marriage and can advice you in times of emotional stress in your relationship.
If after repeated counseling, he remains the same, nothing will charge him, not even your prayers. He has made up hid mind to live die the way he is, The best you can do for him is to wish him well and let him go.

If he comes back crying to be accepted; put your foot down and refuse him any further access into your life. This man will never change and all you will get from him is untold frustration and pain. You deserve a better man. Believe God for him

That is why it is of vital importance to protect your integrity. If you compromise your values with one man, you may fall into a soulish pit called  a soul tie which may hold you bound in spiritual, emotional and even physical problems.

Dating does not mean commitment. You are not counting this man; you are only getting to know if you are right for each other. Don't treat the man you are dating like your fiance, he is not. Don't pressure him to start acting as if you are counting because you are not.
Courtship begins when you discover that you are right for each other and you make a commitment to each other.

Courtship actually begins when you cross the compatibility huddle and receive the approval of your spiritual mentors. If your spiritual mentors have not given their consent to your choice of a marriage partner, you must be very careful before you go ahead with it.

You may not see as far as you go think you can see. If these people consistently proved their love to you then, you should trust their judgement even though you may not understand it. Countless divorces could have been averted if some ladies had listened to the counsel of their spiritual Mentors.

If you don't know exactly what you want in a relationship, you could hook up with the worse possible guy you can find and you may not even realize that you have a problem on your hands.
Know what you want. Write it down and go for it

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