Friday 18 November 2016

You Sell Your Destiny For Marriage

You are the lady with a great vision from God burning in your heart. As a single lady, you devote yourself  to God. You meet your dream man develop a marriage bound relationship with him
During your courtship, he tells you that after your marriage, you both will leave the country to go and stay abroad in pursuit of  his own dream or plans are. You believed God for a partner, now that he is here, you assume that whatever he says must be from God. You agree to travel with him thinking that where will you find another man as good as this one.

If you get married to this man at this expense of your dream, education, career, you will miserable for the rest of your life. Understand that your destiny in God is than marriage. Marriage was designed by God so that you can join forces, resources, and abilities with your partner to fulfill The Divine Purpose for your lives.

Discuss your vision at length with your fiance. Does he show visible interest  in what you believe God wants you do with your life or is he only interested in what he can get from you? If you give up your vision, education, career, and purpose for him, you may be selling yourself into a slave relationship. you both must have mutual respect for what God has called you to do with your lives if you want to have healthy relationship.

You may temporarily suspend the pursuit of particular dream or goal to help your relationship stabilize, (depending on the circumstance) but never give up dream because you want marry this man by all means. If you do, you will live to regret it.

Marriage was designed by God to help you generate enough power to fulfill your destiny. Don't marry a man who doesn't approve of, respect or help you in the pursuit of your dream. Don't 

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