Friday 18 November 2016

You Use Money To Buy A Man And Keep The Relationship Under Your Control

If you are in a better financial state than your man, you may be tempted to use your financial power as a bargaining tool to have power in the relationship and keep the man under your control. You may try to buy,
force, manipulate or even blackmail the man to stay with you, but if he doesn't love you, all the money in the world will never make him.

In an attempt to keep your man faithful to you, you not only deprive him of his right to choose whom he really wants to spend his life with but you also try to completelyemasculate him by trying to control the discretion his life will go. But  the truth is that a man designed by God to be a provider and protector.

If you deprive him of the opportunity of contributing his own quota in the relationship, you deny him the opportunity to prove his love for you. If he cannot prove his love to you, he may be forced to look for a lady who is ready and willing to receive whatever he has to offer her. Since you denied him the opportunity to express his love, another lady may gladly welcome him when he shows her a little affection. He may most probably take your money from you and give it to the other woman.

You cannot buy a man, a relationship or buy love and commitment. You can only render him emotional, intellectual or may be financial support to help him stand on his own and handle his responsibilities in the  relationship.

A man that cannot stand on his own financially is a great risk to consider getting married to. If you think you've bought the man for yourself with your money, you are  living on borrowed time.
Even if you eventually marry him, he may never be faithful to you and may forever be looking for some lady to prove himself to outside your marital home.  

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