Friday 18 November 2016

You Pray For An Excellent Husband Instead Of Becoming An Excellent Wife Material

Spending your time praying for a husband may not produce result for you unless you start working on yourself to become an excellent potential wife. Men are hunters. All around you there quality men on the hurt for a future partner

.One of the reason why you may not have been noticed by the kind of quality man you've been believing God  for may be because you have not worked on yourself enough to be found.
If God should prematurely bring your dream frustrated or may be even humiliated out of relationship. Why?

This man you dream of has most probably worked on himself for years, but you haven't. If your character , philosophies and general life outlook will be glaring for him or you to ignore. You will never match his standard and that is where fantasy will end and bitter reality will begin. After a bit of struggle, you will eventually give up and settle for someone on your 'Level'.

Like attracts Like. No matter how much you pray, your relationship will only work with a guy are compatible with emotionally, socially, intellectually, spiritually and physically. Don't force yourself on any man. work on yourself to the extent that quality men will begin to line up to go dates with you. Quality men are on the look out for quality women.

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