Friday 18 November 2016

You Follow A Man Blindly

What does it mean to follow a man blindly? It means that you believe everything he tell you without taking time to check out the veracity of his claims. To blindly trust and follow a man without verifying his claims will end in certain disaster.

When a man likes you, depending on his intentions for you, he is prepared to tell you anything to get you, he is prepared to tell you of his past, friends, family, former girl friends, career, achievement and even his plans for the future. Never take that word for it, no matter how polished, sophisticated or 'holy' he may look like. Investigate his claims.

The challenge you may have with this guy if like him is that somewhere in your subconscious mind, you may begin to wish that all he has been telling you is true and you don't want anything to break that illusion. You may prefer to live in a fantasy world believing him to be prince charming. If he really is, you shpuld be bold enough to face the truth about him or live to regret it in future.

Trust should never be given to a man before he earn it. The number one trick of the con artist is to tell you "just trust me." Trusting a man without testing  him is foolish. If you know little or next to nothing about your man,it is a signal that your relationship is an unhealthy one. Have you ever caught him lying to you?. Does he answer your questions truthfully?. Even if you have discovered him to be truthful, loyal, and committed to you, never, ever follow him blindly.

Always ask to know in what direction your relationship is going or you may wake up one day to find out that he is married to another woman. While you were following blindly, another lady was working her little
number on him to steal him from you.

God has given you a powerful gift of intuition to help you sense things; to know things that are not apparent to your five senses. The more follow it, the stronger it will become. If you feel  that somethings is wrong with your relationship, ask questions, Pray and believe God to reveal hidden secret to you through people, dreams, events, etc.

You make sure you know exactly where you are going and who you are going with or you may end up in a place you didn't expect

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