Friday 18 November 2016

You Don't Know What You Want In Life

The Bible says where there is no vision (that is a clearly defined purpose  for your life) the people perish. To perish means to live a meaningless, Frustrated, unproductive and unfulfilled life.

The first rung on the ladder of success is knowing exactly what you want in life and writing it on paper. Writing it down clarifies it in your mind. Begin with your academic goals; then move on to your career. financial, spiritual, relationship and social goals.

Your goal will serve as a guide for you to know what, who and where to associate with or avoid. The Truth is, you don't require everybody in your life to fulfill your destiny. You must therefore be very selective  if you want to succeed in life.

For Instance, when you know the qualities you want in your future partner and write them down, it becomes very easy to locate and connect with the right man for you. With your list of qualities, you can sieve out the unserious time waster and jokes who have no place in your and focus your attention on the real contender for your love.

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