Friday 18 November 2016

You Stay in An Unhealthy Relationship Because You Are Scared That If You Break Up With Him, You May Not Find Another Man As Good As Him

If you presently are not in a  mutually beneficial relationship, you most definitely are hurting yourself. You can tell if this is an unhealthy relationship by answering these questions- Is he man nurturing, supportive and encouraging ? Is he man supportive of your dream, goals and vision? Does he go out of his way to help you accomplish and achieve your goal?

Are you compatible intellectually, socially, spiritually, physically or emotionally? Is he verbally, emotionally or physically abusive to you? Are you the one struggling to make the relationship work while he crosses his legs, watching you sweat it out?

Does he shame you, ridicule you, pick holes in your self-esteem and make you feel small and unimportant? Does he undermine your relationship by associating with ladies and guys you would not want to be caught dead with?

Staying in a bad relationship is only postponing the inevitable termination of this relationship. You will suffer emotionally, spiritually or even physically and then the relationship will eventually break up. Period. It will happen. You cannot pray a bad relationship work, then he is not good enough for you.
Place some value on yourself; build yourself esteem. Don't sell yourself into a slave relationship. Deal with your feelings of insecurity, vulnerabilities and hidden, deep rooted fears.

Let this man go. You are not yet married. A break up now is far better than the horrors, pain and bitterness of divorce in future. Act now and put an end to your pain.
If you still find it difficult to let him go after reading this my articles, you should immediately contact a counsellor to help through this decision which you must take.  

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