Friday 18 November 2016

You Date Different Men At The Same Time Giving Each Of Then The Impression That You Are Romantically Interested In Them When You Really Are Not

 Dating give you the opportunity to get to know the man you are compatible with. Through dating, you are close to this man and mirror him against the list of qualities you desire in your future partner. If you see these
qualities, then you cash take the friendship to another level, all things being equal ( that is, if the man feels the same way about you).

On the other hand, if you don't see the qualities you desire in this man, you should stop seeing him and date someone else.

But the mistake some single ladies make is to date several men at the same time. They go out with the good, the bad and the ugly, all at same time. This breeds constant confusion in their minds because after a while, they can't tell for sure who is a 'prince' and who is 'frog.'

They can't easily differentiate between the deceiver, the playboy, the egoist, the time waster and all the other wrong men who have nothing of value to offer them.
It is best to focus on one man at a time. Give your total attention to the friendship. Pray about it. Give your best to it. But if after giving your best to it, things don't work out, then you can date someone else.

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