Friday 18 November 2016

You Compare Your Man To Your Father, Brother Or Other Men In Your Past

Comparison of any kind is unfair, unjust and unrealistic. The man you are in love with can never, ever be like any of these people you know.
He can never match up to the glorious image you have of your father especially if he is an extraordinarily talented , successful and loving father. He can never match up to the image of your past boyfriends. If these guys were so 'good,' why didn't they stay with you?.

Are you considering the possibility that you are the one who drove them away; that you were not good enough for them?

Comparing your man to impossible standards is the surest way to destroy the relationship. You complain about every thing he does for you, even when you realize the great sacrifice he is making to contribute to the growth and success of the relationship.

What you should ask yourself is 'does he love me? Are we compatible enough to live together for the rest our lives? Ask yourself down to earth questions and burst the illusion that comes with comparison.

 Break every soul tie you had with your past boyfriends. Is he the man for me? Set yourself free from all forms of soulish, slavery, oppression and bondage.

Forget the illusion of finding Mr Perfect, believing God for Mr Right. Mr Right is the man you are compatible with; the man who release your potential. He is your soul mate in spite of all his weakness and faults. Mr

Perfect on the other hand is a fantasy conjured up by Hollywood in your mind. He is an illusion which doesn't exist in the real world.

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