Friday 18 November 2016

What Ladies Must Avoid That Cause Late Marriage


This is one of the problem that cause late marriage today some ladies don't want to marry somebody of their status. They will like to go out with someone higher than them. For instance a school cert. Holder that works
in supermarket, sharing apartment with her elder sister will be looking for ph.D Holder to marry and many a time some will end up not married or marry somebody not her bone due to time has gone

dressing portrait dignity. Also an adage said that eye would eat first before mouth will eat. Before any man can go to a lady that lady must attract the man, no man would like to marry an old looking women dirty and harlot in the street. Even the worst man would like his wife to be angel.

Every ladies should try to do away with the problem of mush demand.Much demand will create an impression to your man that you are a problem and you are a liability. As  a result of this the man will run away and lady would be asking what had happened.

Much visitation makes the relationship boring and the union remains unattractive. It is the duty of a guy to look after a lady, allow him to do so. Due to much situation, may find out the weak of a lady and thereby having another dating with another ladies avoid much visitation.

Some ladies cannot even conceive a word for a day without telling a friend. A young man would approach a lady for marriage it has not been concluded yet, the lady would go a head spreading the news to friends in fact many ladies have lost their husband through their attitude. Their  friend may even go as far as taking over their husband from them.

There ia an adage says pride goes before a fall. Some ladies who found themselves in a better job or having good education, they would see or have dynamic man who will come for them for marriage they would look down on him and be looking for a rich man she would end up unmarried or married without having good home. God has plan for everybody and if God say the young man is your life partner why looking elsewhere therefore, all ladies must do away with pride.

All times some ladies lost their husband or end up unmarried due to how selective they are. A lady will be selecting husband as if she is buying a cloth in the market. Mr A will come she will found fault, Mr B will comes she will complain. At end she will find herself not married or delayed.

In human nature we value that which is hard to get and we think little of that which is easily obtainable some ladies through that being too cheap to men will make them married quick, instead it will cause them to become an object of ridicule in the presence of them therefore, do not make yourself cheap to man.

Angry face does not attract people. You must let the joy Muslem or Christianity show in your face. It is only when happiness shows in your face that you can get your best.

Almost 90% of ladies always makes this mistake.. may not know that the love perspective to man this seen more in term of sexual intercourse  and when this happened, he will dump you the lady and pick another one because he has eaten hat he want to eat.

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