Friday 18 November 2016

You Fail To Look Good

People see who you are before they hear what what to say. Your physical appearance plays a major role in determining if people will relate with you favorable in business and situation.
Clothes cover about 90% of our bodies making them assume an extra-ordinary relevance in our lives.

Who you are can be accurately assessed by the quality , class and beauty of your 90% covering. A poor packaging of yourself will eventually result in rejection and failure in business and social relationships. People will most likely treat you better when you are well dressed.

When you package yourself with dignity and honour, you will be treated in the same manner by all the people
you come in contact with.

Popular fashion encourages ladies to dishonor themselves by half naked. They are encouraged to expose their panties, bras, and expose as much as their bodies as they can What they project is moral decadence, you should be very fashion conscious, but follow fashion that doesn't cheapen your femininity or undermine your professional status or person.

There are other ladies on the other of the spectrum who dress poorly projecting an unserious, mediocre and failure ridden image, if you don't how to dress excellently, ask those who know how to for help.

Take a look at woman leaders in business, ministry, education or politics how they package themselves and emulate them, to be treated with respect at work, in school, at mosque, in Church, or strangers, always dress with dignity. You can be fashionable and classy without compromising your personal integrity

Failing to look good also includes the refusal to eat right and exercise,if you don't live a healthy lifestyle it will soon reflect on your body, if you are overweight, apart from beauty consideration, you stand a greater risk of developing several health diseases.

Learn to to use what you have to get the best you can afford. Dont go into debt in attempt to look good, with every level you attain in life, learn how improve your appearance, dont leave it to chance or some external force.

Remember that men are basically moved by sight, if you don't look good, it is as bad as if you don't exist in their world

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