Friday 18 November 2016

You Mistake Romance For Love

Popular literature, media and movies have painted a picture of love in our mind which we expect to happen in our relationship. You may be going out with a man who is very romantic; he takes you out to very classy restaurant; buys you expensive gifts, takes you on shopping sprees; you go on picnics, etc. Your relationship is so romantic.
You make think this man truly loves you, but it may not be true. True love has to do with his total commitment to you and your relationship. If he dopes the same thing to other ladies then, he doesn't really love you. He may like you, but not be in love with you.
You may wish that one day he will break up with his other girl friends, but that may never happen. When a man gets romantic with you, find out exactly what he want from you and if you in position to give it to him.

You may fall into this trap because you were deprived  of love when growing up. Now, you erroneously think that whoever shows you any form of care, attention or affection must be in love with you. The man just be nice by nature and may not have strong feelings for you.

On the other hand, you may have been spoilt growing up, so you expect men to show you affection not bothering to find out their intentions. Going out on a pleasurable, romantic trip may work well in a Hollywood movies but may pretend heartaches, pain and emotional torture if you don't discover the man's real intentions for you.

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