Friday 18 November 2016

3 You Fail to Connect With Quality, God Fearing Men And Women In Positive Relationships

God made us for connection. We all need other in our lives if we are to enjoy our stay on this planet. You may keep to yourself because you experienced some rejection or pain from your friends and you just
decided that instead of going through all that 'stress,' it is better to keep to yourself. Human beings are intrinsically good. You may have had some experiences with a few bad eggs, but there are good people very close to you who will make a considerable difference in your life if you let them in.

If you are afraid of the bad ones, you may also miss out on the good ones when they appear because you have your eyes shut to relationships.

 People are the tools, instrument or catalysts God uses to bring blessings, change and promotion into our live. Your prayer for promotion, business expansion, academic excellence will be answered only through a human being. You cannot receive anything good from God if you isolate yourself from the instruments he uses to convey and deliver His blessing to you.

There are certain doors of opportunity that will open up to you because of certain people you are in strategic relationship with. God positions these people in our lived for the simple purpose of fulfilling His will for our lives.

Face the pain from your past. Forgive all those who hurt you one way or other. It may not be easy, but it definitely must be done. Forgiveness frees you to flow into God's plan for your life. Unforgiveness holds you bound to the past. Learn from your pain and let it go. Enjoy the flow of life. Connect with positive people

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