Wednesday 30 November 2016

Only Bad People Abuse Their Children.

Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones. While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

The Basics Of A Christian Marriage

Today, of course, many young people not only are saying no to the traditional wedding ceremony, they are rejecting the concept of marriage itself. More and more young people are coming from broken homes, and as a result, they have a fear and suspicion about the value of marriage.

6 Deadly Enemies Of marriage In Christainity

Marriage is under attack. Marriage has always been under attack. The world, the flesh and the devil are all adamantly opposed to marriage, and especially to marriages that are distinctly Christian. Marriage, after all, is given by God to strengthen his people and to glorify himself; little wonder, then, that it is constantly a great battleground.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Selection of Spouse In Islam

Now that we have seen how much importance Islam has accorded to marriage and marital life you would perhaps ask, “How do we select a spouse? What are the guidelines provided by Islam in this regard? Do we look for some particular characteristics or just try to get the best from the worldly point of view?”

Importance of Marriage in Islam

 The Holy Quran says,
“And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves; if they are needy, Allah will make them free from want out of His grace; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.” (Surah an-Nur, 24:32)

Thursday 24 November 2016

7 Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling

Marriage rates supposedly are on the decline. While it’s an oft-repeated statistic that 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce, that number has remained unchanged for the past 30 years. Divorce rates also vary with the partners’ level of education, religious beliefs, and many other factors.

5 Signs of a Bad Marriage No One Talks About

While our culture gets criticized for being too pro-divorce, I’d like to counter that criticism and say we are a culture of over-tolerance. We tolerate bad behavior and bad relationships for far too long.
We are rewarded for “sticking it out” and are scolded by our society if we don’t. I am often amazed to hear what my clients and readers tolerate in a marriage, and how they feel guilty for even having thoughts of ending the relationship.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Why People In a Bad Marriage Stay Married

Men and Women come to my office telling me in detail everything wrong with their marriages. These complaints are not unusual, but they are usually heart-felt. They include a whole range of misbehavior's on the part of their spouses. Here are some of the things they have complained about to me, in no particular order:

How To Go Off An Unhealthy Marriage

If you are in an unhealthy marriage, you may feel depressed, trapped and powerless to change your predicament. However, finding a more fulfilling life can be attained by taking charge of your situation and making a move to get out of your relationship.

Become A Wedding Planner

Once you have gotten a basic idea of what the couple is imagining, you can begin to figure out how much the couple's dream wedding will cost, and how much money the bride and groom (or their families) are planning to spend.

Should You Need To Rent A Limousine Car For Your Wedding?

A wedding is a ceremony that celebrates the beginning of a marriage or civil union, and is considered one of the most important events in life, as well as a perfect opportunity to perform a traditional ceremony and celebrate with friends and family.

How To Have A Healthy Baby For Married Woman

When bringing a baby into world, One hope for Him/Her to have good health. This is a great start in developing a healthy happy and functioning adult for the future that is to come. This may also help the parent and or caretaker experience a more pleasurable while raising a child. Having a healthy pregnancy is a great way to start pronating yoyr baby. Here are a variety of ways to maintain good prenatal health in order to have a health baby.

Why Many Don't Enjoy Sex

Most man complain that their wives starve them of sex and it seems as though their wives don't enjoy sex.
The problem is that most man are so ignorant about the physiological structure of their partner, the sex is only enjoyed by the man, why the woman is always left dissatisfied, perplexed and disappointed.

Saturday 19 November 2016

7 reasons you should have sex everyday

If you thought that the only benefit of sex was pleasure then think again. Here’s some news for you. Making love is good for adults and making love regularly is better; achieving orgasm is best!

Friday 18 November 2016

When You're Attracted to Someone Who Isn't Your Spouse

The stereotype of an adulterous affair in marriage has typically been the picture of a cheating husband. The man has a one-night stand on a business trip or falls in love with his secretary. I guess it never occurred to us that for every cheating man, there must also be a cheating woman.

Your Husband Can’t Make You Happy

That’s because happiness is based on circumstances. Yet circumstances are the one part of our lives over which we have virtually no control. Even if “the pursuit of happiness” gives the impression of lacing up those

You Fail To Look Good

People see who you are before they hear what what to say. Your physical appearance plays a major role in determining if people will relate with you favorable in business and situation.
Clothes cover about 90% of our bodies making them assume an extra-ordinary relevance in our lives.

You Compete With Your Man Instead Of Complementing Him

A healthy relationship should be based on mutual respect, trust and commitment to each other's dreams, goals and aspirations. Before you get committed to any man, you need to work on yourself esteem and attitude.

You Give Your Heart To A Man, And Then You Latter Try To Use Your Head To Make The Relationship Work.

Love is a very overpowering emotion . When you've crossed the boundaries of friendship into love, it is already too late to begin to use your head to assess the merits of the man you are interested in.

You Use Sex To Get A Man

Sex is a gift from God for married couples. Engaging in pre-marital that sex is not protected by marital vows of total commitment and fidelity will expose you to emotional, physical and spiritual problems.

You Use Money To Buy A Man And Keep The Relationship Under Your Control

If you are in a better financial state than your man, you may be tempted to use your financial power as a bargaining tool to have power in the relationship and keep the man under your control. You may try to buy,

You Pray For An Excellent Husband Instead Of Becoming An Excellent Wife Material

Spending your time praying for a husband may not produce result for you unless you start working on yourself to become an excellent potential wife. Men are hunters. All around you there quality men on the hurt for a future partner

You Follow A Man Blindly

What does it mean to follow a man blindly? It means that you believe everything he tell you without taking time to check out the veracity of his claims. To blindly trust and follow a man without verifying his claims will end in certain disaster.

You Sell Your Destiny For Marriage

You are the lady with a great vision from God burning in your heart. As a single lady, you devote yourself  to God. You meet your dream man develop a marriage bound relationship with him

You Stay in An Unhealthy Relationship Because You Are Scared That If You Break Up With Him, You May Not Find Another Man As Good As Him

If you presently are not in a  mutually beneficial relationship, you most definitely are hurting yourself. You can tell if this is an unhealthy relationship by answering these questions- Is he man nurturing, supportive and encouraging ? Is he man supportive of your dream, goals and vision? Does he go out of his way to help you accomplish and achieve your goal?

You Mistake Romance For Love

Popular literature, media and movies have painted a picture of love in our mind which we expect to happen in our relationship. You may be going out with a man who is very romantic; he takes you out to very classy restaurant; buys you expensive gifts, takes you on shopping sprees; you go on picnics, etc. Your relationship is so romantic.

You Mistake The Availability Of Money For Love

There are several kinds of relationship that won't work, one of them is a money based relationship. In this kind of relationship. In this kind of relationship, money determines the tone, atmosphere, success or failure of

Ten Ways Men Oppress Women with Their Everyday Behavior

Manspreading and manslamming are just the beginning! By now, you may have heard of “manspreading” – when a guy sits with his legs apart on the subway to assert his dominance — and “manslamming” – when a man doesn’t get out of the way of a woman on the street and they run into each other. While these are

Is Divorce Bad for Children?

Many of the 2.5 million children in the World. whose parents divorce every year feel as if their worlds are falling apart. Divorcing parents are usually very concerned about the welfare of their children during this troublesome process.

You Enter Into Relationship With An Unavailable Man

An unavailable man is who you cannot get married to no matter how hard you try. There are different kinds of unavailable men.

Until He Puts Effort into These 6 Things, DON’T MARRY HIM

To marry you, he has to do these first!There are six actions you must require of a man before you consider him for marriage.

5 Habits You Don't Realize Will Ruin Your Marriage

That’s like marriage, isn’t it? We go into marriage with a bright red SOLD sign - we’ve gladly moved out of the old house of singleness to the castle of married bliss. Prince Charming and the Princess ride off into the
sunset, but then wake up 100 mornings later, realizing some elbow grease is required to keep a marriage - not just a house - going strong.

Why He's Not Leaving His Wife. Why She's Not Leaving Her Husband.

He's not leaving because he doesn't want to. She's not leaving because married life is easier.
We all know someone, are friends with someone or dated someone who is
n a constant state of "separation" — or worse, on and off with his or her husband or wife.

Marry A Man Who Will Love Your HEART More Than Your Body

Life is so good. You're in love and think this relationship could be the real thing.
This is THE guy for you... I mean, you’re pretty sure this is the right guy.
OK, to be honest, there might be a few things nagging at you. Your guy definitely loves you — you have lots of sex and feel so passionately about each other, but he seems to want to spend a lot of time at home.

Sex Is Great, But Something MUCH Less Fun Will Save Your Marriage

It's up to you to do this right.
Marriage is about mutual respect and passion and… yadda, yadda, yadda. You’ve heard it all before. Love is patient, kind, etc. You already know this.
But what people won’t tell you is that marriage is REALLY all about fighting. Or, at least, knowing how to fight the right way.

How To Know FOR SURE When It's Time To Quit Your Marriage

Before ending your marriage, try fixing it first.
I often get asked by individuals "Counseling, how do I know when it’s time to quit?"
It’s a difficult question to ask yourself or anyone else for that matter.

9 Things Your Husband Isn't Telling You (That You Need To Know )

Shocking what can be left unsaid.
Ever ask your husband what he's thinking and not get an answer? Even in the best marriages, there are things that men think about but don't tell their wives.Our interviews with couples in 53 countries on all 7 continents of the world, revealed nine important things that men don't share with their wives on a regular basis.

Do Men Really Want the 'Cool Girl?'

"Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex.

6 Signs He's About to Say I Love You

It's hard to say those three simple words. For most men it starts off as a suspicion ("Holy f*ck. Do I love this girl?") then it grows to certainty, then to anxiety about how and when to say it, and whether the woman might feel the same way. Even if your guy has a hunch that you love him too, it's nerve-wracking to be the first one to say "I love you."

6 Things Men Learned from Cheating

Several guys I interviewed realized that, while they had always thought of themselves as good and honorable men, they were just as prone to cheating as other people.
"She wasn't the one for me."

You Force A Relationship To Stay Alive

Forcing relationship to stay alive implies that you demean yourself; permit, tolerate insults and abuse on your person; live without personal dignity,integrity and honour just because you want to keep a relationship alive.
Forcing a relationship to stay alive may be caused by several reasons.

You Compare Your Man To Your Father, Brother Or Other Men In Your Past

Comparison of any kind is unfair, unjust and unrealistic. The man you are in love with can never, ever be like any of these people you know.

You Adapt To An Unhealthy relationship Instead Of Demanding For Change,Respect And Honour

Holding onto an unhealthy relationship, adapting to the man's juvenile, irresponsible and disgraceful behaviour, then expecting him to change through prayer is a mistake.

You Date Different Men At The Same Time Giving Each Of Then The Impression That You Are Romantically Interested In Them When You Really Are Not

 Dating give you the opportunity to get to know the man you are compatible with. Through dating, you are close to this man and mirror him against the list of qualities you desire in your future partner. If you see these

3 You Fail to Connect With Quality, God Fearing Men And Women In Positive Relationships

God made us for connection. We all need other in our lives if we are to enjoy our stay on this planet. You may keep to yourself because you experienced some rejection or pain from your friends and you just

You Don't Know What You Want In Life

The Bible says where there is no vision (that is a clearly defined purpose  for your life) the people perish. To perish means to live a meaningless, Frustrated, unproductive and unfulfilled life.

What Ladies Must Avoid That Cause Late Marriage


This is one of the problem that cause late marriage today some ladies don't want to marry somebody of their status. They will like to go out with someone higher than them. For instance a school cert. Holder that works


MEN STOP DATING A LIABILITY! 1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability)  2.  A la...