Saturday 2 December 2023


Many men leave their women because of their billing mentality.

 Lady, calm down when you meet a man.

If you cannot feed yourself as a woman, then you have no business with a relationship.

When a man asks you out… please leave his wallet and money alone! 

*Ask him about his intention towards the relationship.

* Ask him about his future plans.

*Ask him his views about marriage.

*Ask him what he does for a living.

*Ask him about his spiritual life. 

Don’t start having emergency needs and wants that you think he has to fulfill because he has asked you out! 

Demanding from a man is not actually bad because naturally men are PROVIDERS but when your demand becomes too high then that is wrong. 

Many ladies have turned relationship into buying and selling. That's why they are too expensive to keep as wives. 

A relationship is not a POVERTY ALLEVIATE SCHEME where you can just enter because you're hungry or looking for house rent.

If you cannot feed yourself as woman at least 2 square meal in a day don't fall in love. Relationship is not a restaurant.

Your fiance is not your father.

He's not under obligation to provide for your needs. He can do it voluntarily but don't feel or think you're entitled to it.

You need cream;  him 

Your toiletries is on him

Your rent is on him 

Your school fees is on him 

Your food stuff is on him 

Your family expenses is on him 

Your undies, pad and bra; on him

Then why won't the man see demanding for sexual satisfaction as his right over you?

Sister, if you find him interesting, devote time to study him. 

His values, attitude, behavior and character.

A man and woman coming together should be for the sake of love and building something beautiful. 

A Man should not be billed because he is interested in you. 

You only become his full responsibility when you start bearing his name. 

And mind you; bearing his full responsibility does not mean you should be a liability.


Class dismissed πŸ₯‚

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