Sunday 31 December 2023



Have you ever hoped to love someone and marry them, only for them to reject and maybe even choose someone else besides you.

So how do you deal with rejection?

1. Know your worth. Your worth is not determined by one human being or a few human beings but by God your Creator

2. Know that it is better to be with someone who hundred percent wants to be with you than someone who has to be forced to stay in your life

3. Know that not everyone in this life will celebrate you, see your worth, identify with your purpose or understand you

4. Analyze if you play a role in people rejecting you: Are you immature, desperate, mean, pushy, difficult, self centered or insulting?

5. Know that there is someone who longs to accept you and love you and one day you two will meet

6. Rejection shouldn't lead you to having a low self esteem. Say OK and carry on with life

7. Do not let rejection lead to anger or hate

8. Know that rejection can be a blessing in disguise when the person you have grown fond of is wrong for you

9. Know that many great people were rejected: Joseph, David, Paul were rejected and did great things; even Jesus 

10. Know that the world doesn't end because one person didn't choose you

11. Know that you can only commit to one person for marriage, rejection keeps you available for the right person who is soon coming

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