Sunday 10 December 2023




sweetheart ❤️ I don't know that I so much love you.

the only pain you would go through alone is the pain of labour/child birth. though I will be around the labour room to encourage you,as you and my baby will make it alive. every other pains. I will be there to ease you the weight and the stress.

you will be hearing about divorce but you will never experience it .

you will be hearing about abusive husbands, but you will never have one in me .

you will be hearing about disrespectful husband. but I promise I will never disrespect you.

You will be hearing about too serious husband..but believe me no matter how busy I might be. I will still find time to have a heart to heart discussion with you as I play with your hairs.

you will be hearing about Stingy husbands, but ,I don't think you shall ever lack anything under my watch as God liveth.

you will be hearing about a cheating husband.. but believe me I've started training myself to Love only you.. as I will be seeing other women like my follow man which I will never associate with intimately.

you will be hearing about husbands that beats their wife . but believe me I've been praying to God to help me not to lay my hands on you.

you will be hearing about women that their husbands are not taking good care of. but believe me am working very hard to give you the future you deserve as you will help raise children that will be presentable to people out there.

you will be hearing about women that their husbands are not supportive. but believe me. whatever it will take for you to be a great woman on Earth I will do it .

I will carry you business for my head, I will support your carrier to excel, I will support your dream, vision and emotionally.

wherever you are, stop praying for a good husband.. just pray to God to give him the grace to do that which he has in mind to do for you ..

I'm not praying to be the best husband in your life. my target is to be that man you would want to marry again in your next world....

my joy, my source of happiness I love you ♥️♥️

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