Tuesday 5 December 2023


 Date this girl.

Date the girl you who makes you smile everytime she walks into the room. 

Date the girl who wants to slow dance with you in the kitchen to a song written by George Strait. 

Date the girl who motivates you to do better in all aspects of your life. 

Date the girl that would rather cuddle with you on the couch in her pajamas while binge watching her favorite show on Netflix, than go out and get drunk at a party. 

Date the girl who's excited to tell you about her day at work. 

Date the girl who's laugh stops and warms up your heart when you have a bad day. 

Date the girl who wants to lay a blanket on the ground and watch the stars with you on a cool summer night. 

Date the girl with an old soul ..... that has morals and qualities that are extremely hard to find in this generation. 

Date the girl who understands that children need to raised in a home where love is more important than money.

Date the girl who wants you text her as soon as you arrive to your destination so she's knows you made it there safely. 

And date the girl who prays every single night for you coming into her life so calmy and unexpectedly. 

Take my advice and date the girl who makes you feel so loved when you're in her presence, it feels like you're finally home.

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