Monday 3 April 2017

Women are giving up on wearing underwear, here’s why

Wearing panties or knickers or whatever you’d like to call them can sometimes be uncomfortable. Usually, women find a brand or material that works for them and stick to it, but not only can underwear be uncomfortable sometimes,
a new report suggests it can also affect your know down there.
According to gynecologist Nicholas Raine-Fenning from fertility clinic Nurture in Nottingham who spoke to Mail Online, wearing the wrong undies can actually cause some major problems.
“It would be better to wear no knickers than the wrong kind of knickers – Nylon knickers ought to come with a health warning. They’re only acceptable for a short period of time, being a high risk factor for irritation.”
He also said wearing them to bed is even riskier. It’s better to wear loose, cotton garments and if you must wear nylon underwear, make sure it has a cotton gusset.

Apparently it’s not just your undies which can cause infections but also tight control pants.
According to Dr. Raine-Fenning, these pants can put pressure on your abdomen. “Think of the abdomen as a balloon. If you compress it, the increase in pressure has to go somewhere. It is either directed to the pelvis (which could increase the risk of prolapse in susceptible women) or to the diaphragm, virtually creating the effect of a hiatus hernia – though it would be unlikely to actually cause one unless you were already at risk. But it means your stomach and oesophagus are pushed back into your chest, possibly leading to reflux.”

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