Sunday 24 December 2023



If you want a successful marriage, there are principles you should follow as a husband.

Check them out below

1. If you want a successful marriage, you should avoid taking your wife for granted. A good husband honours and respects him wife. A good husband won’t belittle his wife and treat her as an inferior being.

2. If you want a successful marriage, your wife should be your number one priority not your father, mother, brothers, sisters or any blood relative. You can’t have a successful marriage if you don’t make your wife your priority.

3. If you want a successful marriage, you should frequently tell your wife how much you love her and show her through your actions too. You make her feel loved and valued when you always tell her you love her.

4. Do not stop dating your wife after marriage. Many men see marriage as a goal accomplished and stop giving their wife the attention they gave her while dating her. Your wife wants the chase to continue after marriage. Keep doing all the sweet things you did while dating her.

5. If you want your marriage to be a success, you should keep to your words. Failed promises can destroy a marriage. When you keep to your words as a husband, you earn your wife’s trust.

6. No woman wants a husband with roving eyes. If you want to have a successful marriage, your eyes should be on your wife alone. Many failed marriages are a result of unfaithful husbands. Your wife should be the most beautiful woman in the world in your eyes.

7. Many husbands fail to see things from their wife’s perspective and this is wrong. If you want your marriage to be a success, you should make an effort to see things from your wife’s point of view. It’s wrong as a husband to act like you know it all. Wise husbands try to see things from their wife’s perspective.

8. You are expected as a husband to satisfy the emotional needs of your wife. You are expected as a husband to kiss your wife every morning before you leave for work and when you get back home. You are also expected to meet her needs in the bedroom.

9. Be generous with your wife when it comes to money. Whether your wife works or not, you are expected as a man to provide for her. Stop being a stingy husband. There’s nothing wrong with spending some of your hard-earned money on your wife. She deserves it.

10. If you want a successful marriage, you should help your wife with house chores. Help her in the kitchen, tidy the bedroom, run errands for her and cook for her. Doing this won’t make you less of a man.

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