Saturday 23 December 2023


 Most women keep saying, "Good Men are hard to find. WRONG!

The TRUTH is that good Men aren't hard to find, they are just hard to entice and win over.

Good Men aren't hard to find, it is just hard to get their attention. The thing is....Good Men are not easily enticed and don't respond to all these cosmetic looks that women throw. 

Don't get it all wrong here....

Such men notice such things, but they dont make decisions to pursue a woman based on such things. 


- wearing some tight clothes

-Showing off your Cleavage

-Winding your Behind

-Posting drama on facebook

May get you the attention of an Ordinary Man, but they won't land you a Man of Substance.

To attract the attention of a "Good Man", you will have to work harder than that.

How about showing off...

-your Character instead of your Cleavage

-your Brains instead of your "Behind" and

-your love for God instead of your love for Clothes.

To get the attention of a Good Man, be more STRATEGIC than BEAUTIFUL

And You must be Born again and be A Prayerful wife

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