Monday 18 December 2023



1. A wise woman has secrets:

You can't be too naked with your love, social or spiritual life and expect dignity. Not everyone should know what you are going through. Be a self-contained lady.

2. A wise woman has surprises:

There is beauty in a surprise. Don't run around announcing things that are not yet..... It only destroys their beauty. And when they fail you will suffer unnecessary shame. Be a self-controlled lady.

3.  A wise woman is unpredictable :

People should know there is both yes and no in your mouth. Your moves and words shouldn't be too obvious. Be a deep lady. 

4.  A wise woman has meaningful connections :

You can't be a friend to everyone and have focus. You can't be the organiser in every social activity and be a productive woman. Love all but a close friend of a few!

5.  A wise woman does less of a girl talk :

You can't have too much talk and work at the same time. Cheap talks only lead to empty gossips! A gossiping woman is a shallow woman. 

6. A wise woman has time for herself :

You can't understand yourself better until you create time for yourself. 

Create time to see your weaknesses and work on them. Have time for self correction lady. 

7. A wise woman interacts with God:

You cannot have the highest level of wisdom until you interact with its source. 

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