Sunday 31 December 2023


Ignite The Romance In Your Marriage!!!

Some couples only live together as a room mate, which is totally bad. All the wife does is just to cook, take care of house etc, all the husband does is to provide for the house, acts like the boss of house and asks for sex whenever he feels like. 

Some even only ask for sex from their wife when they feel like it's time to have another baby and women thought it is a taboo to ask their husbands for sex when they feel horny, whereas, some are shy to do so.

Hmmm!! In some Marriages, there is nothing like gisting, romancing, going on date, attending events together, praying together, studying the word together apart from the general family retreat. This has led many women to the arms of strange men, although that is not an excuse to commit adultery. 

Spoil each other with romance. Write love letters to your spouse and put it in his or her pocket or handbag 😉, call your spouse lovely names, tease them, touch your spouse as you like don't wait till during sex alone before you can feel your spouse skin

Despite your busy schedule, find time to send romantic text to your spouse, touch your spouse in a romantic way, sing or play love songs to your partner and dance together in your bedroom, don't do only Missionary style alone, we have varieties of sex styles that are mind blowing. Stop being boring during sex.

Don't be too serious with your Spouse, you're not at the war front now 😄.

Marriage is sweet😋. Let your spouse be your best friend.

Let me rest my case for now.

Seeing Marriages blossoming and Children being raised in a Godly atmosphere is my utmost desire.

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