Tuesday 19 December 2023


 Having a great marriage is not by mere speaking or envying people that are enjoying a great marriage, you must be intentional about things you do in your marriage. A great marriage doesn’t happen by wishful thinking but through actions.

Check these things you might be doing unknowingly to destroy your marriage...✍🏾

1. Neglecting each other: 

This is one enemy of a great marriage that couples are not taking into cognition. You cannot neglect your spouse and still expect them to care about you.

2. Taking each other for granted: 

Taking your spouse for granted is sending a wrong message to them. Always look after your spouse, have their interest at heart. Let what matters to them matter to you, make their concern your concern and let them know you care about every detail

3. Not exchanging gifts: 

Everybody loves gift, so also is your spouse. Gift might not be one of his/her love language, but that doesn’t mean gift(s) will not be appreciated when given to them. It is not about how expensive it is, but about the heart that is thoughtful enough to give something.

4. Never saying ‘I’m sorry’: 

There are some little unannounced and hardly noticed words, that must be spoken intentionally in your marriage to have a great marriage, and ‘I’m sorry’ is one of them. You don’t need to seek the person that is wrong, but be ready to say it so that your marriage can thank you for it. Others are ‘Please,’ ‘I love you,’ ‘Excuse me,’ etc. Make sure you say them often.

5. Lack of submission: 

A lot of people see submission as slavery but let me tell you this, submission is not slavery, but a magic password to keep your marriage intact.

6. Not celebrating important events: 

Events are meant to be celebrated especially once you are married. You must remember special dates and celebrate them together. Celebrate birthdays, wedding anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, valentine’s day etc.

7. Lack of trust: 

The bedrock of any marriage is trust and any marriage that lacks trust will find it difficult to stand the test of time.

8. Not expressing love: 

Love is important if you want a great marriage. Therefore, always keep that fire of your love burning.

9. Seeing sex as a necessary evil: 

Sex is sweet and godly in marriage, enjoy it with your spouse. You shouldn’t see it as a necessary evil, and just lie like a log of wood. Spice up your bedroom life and your marriage will be better for it.

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