Thursday 21 December 2023


 Distinguishing Love from Infatuation:

Love is genuine, felt deep within, while infatuation is based on assumptions. They're distinct emotions.

When you truly love someone, your heart beats for them, occupying your thoughts. Communication becomes essential – calls, texts, chats.

Their well-being becomes your concern, forgiveness comes easily even when hurt. You're reluctant to share or lose them, finding joy in hearing their name.

Sharing and assisting, even with modest earnings, is a natural inclination. Their pain affects you deeply.

Infatuation, on the other hand, often centers around physical attention. Once satisfied, they may display attitude upon the next encounter. Love goes beyond mere words; actions speak louder.

Sleeping together doesn't equate to love. Love is genuine, truthful, and doesn't feign. It's discernible, needing no external validation.

Distinguishing Love from Obsession:

Obsession is perilous, potentially lethal. If your partner exhibits excessive obsession, involve trusted people and seek professional help to prevent harm.

Obsessed individuals easily misconstrue interactions, becoming overprotective to the point of suffocation. They monitor calls and messages, even resorting to violence.

Love is built on trust, allowing space for growth. It fosters peace and, if unreciprocated, it's wise to let go. Forcing love turns you into an obsessed lover; let it grow organically, mutually agreed upon.

In love, trust prevails; in obsession, control dominates. Choose the path of genuine connection, not coercion.

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