Thursday 21 December 2023


 When life favours some people, they begin to think others are stΓΌpid. They think others are not well trained.

One fact about life is that we learn everyday. Life has a way of humbling everyone.

I have seen a mother who used to criticize other people's children, recently her child got pregnant out of wedlock, since then she has been quiet, worse enough her good son has turned out to be a junky...

You can brag about good values till the opposite happens to you.

It's about grace and mercies of the Creator of the universe helping you and your family, not about bragging.

If you brag, when life hits you, you can become everything you once criticized.

Being a single mother is not a crime, most of them were victims of circumstance.

Being Married while your mates are still single doesn't mean you should mock others....your time and theirs aren't the Same.

Having many Children while others who got married same year with are still struggling to concieve should not make you to brag .. remember it's not by your power.

Graduating from school, buying a car πŸš—, building Houses when your mates are still struggling to start up in life should not makes you to boast, brag or look down on them. you've got all these because it's your time to shine...they own time is coming.

Be kind and stop judging people just because they're not the same as you because you've never walked in their shoes . life is mirageous and filled with uncertainties πŸ™

On repeat...Don't judge any circumstance you haven't experienced because when life hits you, you can become everything you once criticized.

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