Sunday 31 December 2023


 When a woman has a man who takes care of her physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually, that's when you get the best version out of her. And when you get the best version of her, she's going to contribute to your growth because she now has a solid man in her life who she knows she can depend on, and she's no longer in survival mode. She can now flourish in her feminity and she will be your backbone. 

But if you're going to do wrong to her, just know that a woman becomes a true reflection of how you treat her. And if you don't like how she's acting, look at how you're treating her. You taking care of her helps her take care of you. 

A man can think he has her on lock while laying next to her every night but her mind is elsewhere. And it's not like she didn't try, she gave her all in the relationship and was very patient with you. She verbalized what she wasn't happy about and you refused to work on it. She was sticking around because of that little bit of hope that you might change and do better. 

But best believe she already checked out mentally, and once you lose her mind, the body soon follows.  Women leave mentally before they leave physically.

To your continuous growth and wellness.

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