Monday 18 December 2023



Are you  wondering why there's increased rate of divorce and separation in today's society? Why people are married today and divorce tomorrow? Is there something we're not getting right? Let's look at SIX reasons God has placed in my heart why marriage often end up in divorce or separation: 

1. Absence Of Commitment To Love : Many couples are not committed to love.  Marriage or relationship doesn't survive where commitment and love are absent. Love and commitment in some marriages seems to be one sided. One partner is doing everything humanly possible to make the marriage work but the other partner seem less concern and often jettison the efforts of the other. However, where commitment is valued, marriage can't be left to die. Marriage thrive in a climate of love, honour and respect. So it's your duty to commit to the working of your marriage. If your marriage or relationship isn't working, it's because you're not working. 

2. The Marriage Is Influenced By A Third Party: Evil communication corrupts good manners. Many couples ruin their marriages because they chose to listen to the counsels of the wicked. They're quick to invite a third party into their affairs. That's not to mean that we don't need friends when we're married or in a relationship. But must choose them wisely and retain them only if they're interested in promoting our good welfare. Most often, married couples are negatively influenced by their parents and relatives, however, the man in particular should know that he's a man of his own who should cleave to the wife not his parents. Couples should not allowed others to decide what happens in their marriage, they should do it themselves. 

3.  Personl Interest Is Disappointed:  Many got married for the wrong reason. They're not married to fulfill God's purpose but theirs. and when their desire doesn't work out as planned they opt for divorce or separation. Many are married just to bear children, and when this expectation is not forth coming at the time they expected it,  they begin to consider divorce. Many married their spouse for money, and when the money is gone, they seek separation or divorce. Before going into marriage, zero your mind and go in as one who's there to complement the efforts of your spouse and bring out the best in him or her. 

4.  Inability To Adapt To Changes: Many married people don't envisage change in their marriage. They failed to realise that change is inevitable. Your marriage may not be the same financially, health wise, etc but love can still keep you together just the same. Many marriages end up in divorce or separation because the people involved, rather than accept the change, they complain, nag, accuse and resent each other to the detriment of their marriage. No marriage can thrive where the people involved resent change. So accept change, as you work towards your desire. 

5.  Failure To Demonstrate Compatibility: Two can't walk together except they're in agreement. Most couples are not compatible, and can't remain together except they work on their incompatibility. To be compatible is to be capable of existing together in harmony: going together well. When a couple lives like cat and dog, it shows that they're not compatible. Should such people separate or divorce?  Of course not! All they need to do is work on their individual attitude by determining to drop the attitude and behaviour that makes it difficult to get along well with ones spouse. Make a change of behaviour and you'll be surprised at the outcome of that decision. 

6.  Absence Of The Fear Of God : Obviously, absence of the fear of God is the reason why couples opt for divorce and separation. There was a question I asked my congregation sometime ago, and I said, " Assuming you wedded your spouse before a satanic altar, precisely before a juju shrine and exchanged your vows for better for worse, in sickness and in good health, in scarcity and in prosperity until death part the both of you. Will you be courageous enough to annul the vow by divorcing or separating with your spouse?" They replied that it won't be possible because  the deity will certainly be angry and destroy such persons. Can you see?  People tend to fear Satan than God. But if we claim to fear and honour God, divorce or separation can't be an option. One thing I know about divorce is that it must hurt somebody. Someone's heart must break as a result. That shows that it's not an act of love towards the other person.  Beloved, you can work it out without divorce or separation. 

Today, I pray all marriage or relationship that is in Jeopardy, Almighty God will make it strong 

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