Sunday 14 January 2024


 Did I marry you?

Did I pay your bride price?

Are you my wife?

But you promised to marry me if I got pregnant?

And so?

Did we sign any agreement to that effect?

What are you even saying?

We have six children together.

I've given birth to six children for you and you are saying you didn't pay my bride price and I'm not your wife?

Are you my wife?

Have I met your family to ask for your hand in marriage?

Look, I don't want to waste your time.

You are not my wife. 

I'm getting married to another woman in a few weeks.

We may have children together but we are not married. 

You need to leave so I can welcome my wife.

Leave where?

Where do you want me to go?

I don't know where to go.

You've been my life for 14 years, how can I start over?

I don't know,  I just know I don't want you anymore. 

How about the children?

I don't want them too.

I want to start over. 

You want to start over? How about me?

Do I get to start over too?

That's not my business.

So how do I take care of six children alone?

I don't know, you can figure it out.

This is not fiction.  This is happening this week.

As a woman, you'll always be blamed when a relationship goes bad because most of the decisions rest on your shoulders. 

The decision to get pregnant before marriage rests on you.

The decision to have another child after having the first one and no marriage occurred rests on you.

The decision to continue to remain in a relationship heading nowhere lies with you.

I don't understand why people would be in a relationship for 10 years then get engaged and also take another 5 years and still not get married. 

What is the point of getting engaged if you are not going to get married soon?

You would have just continued with the relationship without getting engaged.

If you make one mistake,  don't make another.

If someone asks you to get pregnant first and they'll marry you. 

You got pregnant and the music has changed. 

Why continue to make the same mistakes, dancing to the same music?

Why continue to have more children?

Isn't it easier to get married with one child than 6?

Remaining in a relationship and keep giving birth hoping to get married is a grave mistake. 

Many people don't value anything they get for free.

How can you pay for a cow you are milking for free?

There are relationships you shouldn't be in.

Later you start crying more than the bereaved.

You decide what you want to accept. 

You decide how people treat you. 

The choice is your

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