Tuesday 16 January 2024




A girl's love is like your mother's love: she protects you, thinks good and welfare of you, make you the king of her world and above all provides for you just to make sure you're fine and happy. 

People often says that..."Girls Don't Love " but I'm afraid, they were wrong..

Girls do love....even more deeper than the guys does! 

When a girl loves you, she will go all miles, fight all negativities and do all the impossible,,,,,,,, just to keep you smiling.

She will take you out and foot the bills..

Your joy and happiness will be her priority..

She Will never cheat on you....Even when she have a reason to.

If you never experienced this from a girl from school to the world, you missed..

She shows you true loyalty and always defend you before her friends. 

When a girl loves, she loves for real.

But those sets of girls are rare.. Because most times, the guys do take them either for granted, or tags them..."CHEAP" and "DESPERATE"

Value the heart that loves you...Beyond your flaws and attitudes

Because Nothing Will Ever Be More Beautiful Than The Love Of A Woman, For You..

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