Monday 9 January 2017

Oversupply Of Breastmilk And Engorgement For Your Baby

Sometimes breastfeeding mums have an oversupply of breastmilk. This might lead to your breasts feeling full and sore, which is called breast engorgement. These issues can usually be sorted out, and getting help early can make all the difference.

Oversupply of breastmilk

Oversupply of breastmilk might be the problem if your baby has a lot of wet nappies, and if you’re noticing other issues with or after feeds.
For example, your baby might seem to have a tummy ache or wind, or baby might be crying a lot and is fussy especially after feeds. Often your baby won’t want the second breast.

In some cases, milk seems to flow very quickly, and your baby can’t swallow fast enough to keep up. Your baby might also gag or gulp, especially at the start of a feed.
Other symptoms include baby vomiting after a feed or having green and frothy poos after feeding.
If oversupply sounds like your situation, you can try any of the following:

Engorgement (full, sore breasts)

Engorgement is when your breasts get full and sore. It happens when milk and other fluids build up in your breasts.
Engorgement can be quite uncomfortable. It can feel like your breasts are much heavier and warmer than usual, and it can even hurt to breastfeed.
To get some relief from breast engorgement, you could try the following tips:
  • Take your bra off completely before beginning to breastfeed. 
  • Warm your breasts with a warm cloth before breastfeeding to help your let-down.
  • Hand-express a little milk or try reverse pressure softening before starting the feed. This can help your baby attach more easily. Make sure baby attaches well.
  • Massage your breast gently while breastfeeding.
  • Vary breastfeeding positions – for example, you could try the cradle hold at one feed, and the football hold at the next.
  • After breastfeeding, place an ice-pack wrapped in cloth on your breast to relieve pain and swelling. Some mothers find that it helps to put a chilled cabbage leaf over their breast.

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