Tuesday 20 December 2016

Role Of Sex In Relationship

In marriage, sex can strengthen the bond of the marriage. But premature sex is an instrument of destruction to such relationship. The noticeable qualities that are paramount and absolutely necessary in good relationship are respect, dignity, communication and trust.


Most married couple dont plan for sex, and so they dont look forward to it, to them it is something that comes when the urge comes, you quickely do it and off you go. You must prepare your mind, it is not a must it must be on the bed and that it must be in your bedroom and it must in the midnight it can be in your parlour and on the floor, in the kitchen in the bathroom as long as you are alone and no one is present to disturb or interrupt.

Always make sure you are not very tired for sex. Be sure you have enough rester. Please dont say this is white man's mentally, if you desire success in your marriage. Sex promotes love in the family and therefor should be encouraged and also be discussed among the marriage couple. It is not only one husband that should approach the woman for sex the woman has the right to demand sex form the husband but with sytle.

finally, avoiding sleeping in separate rooms if you desire to have a successful marriage life. Though every human being loves privacy but once you have marriage you are one  

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