Friday 30 December 2016

New Baby Checklist: Home And Baby Equipment To Used At Home

Getting baby equipment and preparing your home for your new baby can be exciting – but where do you start? There are only a few things you absolutely need, as our baby checklist explains.

Pregnancy And Healthy Relationships Challenges

Pregnancy is a good time to work on nurturing healthy relationships. Strengthening your relationship now can help you manage the transition to the joys and challenges of parenthood.

New Baby: Preparing Your Other Children For New Child

When you’re preparing for baby, your other children might be excited – but maybe a little anxious too. Here are some simple things you can do to help everyone get ready for your newest family member. 

What Men Can Expect In Late Pregnancy

The third trimester is a time of excitement and preparation for baby’s birth. It’s time to get ready for your birth support role and your first hours as a dad!

Sex In Late Pregnancy Is Adviceable: Men

It’s usually fine to have sex in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it might feel different – or even physically awkward. This might affect how keen you and your partner are to have sex.

Building Your Relationship In Pregnancy With Your Wife: Dads

The middle months of pregnancy can be a time to enjoy with your partner and to strengthen your relationship.

Men: Your Reactions To Pregnancy

Whether a pregnancy is planned or comes as a surprise, hearing that you’re expecting a baby – and you’re going to be a father – is likely to be a huge moment.

Pre-teen And Teenage Mental Health For Your Chlid

Mental health is an essential part of wellbeing, and there’s a lot you can do to promote pre-teen and teenage mental health for your child. It also helps to know what to do if you think your pre-teen or teenage child has a mental health problem.

Privacy, Monitoring And Trust In The Teenage Children Years

The desire for more privacy is a natural part of adolescence. At the same time, teenagers still need your support to make good decisions. Trust is the key to finding a balance between your child’s need for privacy and your need to know what’s going on.

Social and Emotional And Attitudes Changes In Adolescence

Adolescence is a time of big social and emotional development for your child. It helps to know what to expect and how to support your child through the changes.

Supporting your teenager’s growing independence And Successfully

Achieving independence is an essential part of your child’s journey to adulthood. To make this journey successfully, children need freedom to try new things. But they still need your guidance and support too. Here are some ideas to help you and your child find the right balance.

Adequate Discipline strategies for teenagers Children

Teenage friends and friendships Advantages And Disadvantages

 As your child enters the teenage years, friends will become more important. Positive, accepting and supportive friendships help teenagers develop towards adulthood.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Building Positive And Healthy Family Rrelationships:Ttips

The ordinary, everyday things that families do together can help build and sustain strong relationships with teenagers. These tips might help you and your family:

What teenagers Needs From Their Parents

Teenagers need love and support from parents at a time when lots of other things in their lives are changing. You can keep your relationship with your teenage child strong through ordinary, everyday activities.

Why Your Child Needs You

 Adolescence can be a difficult time – your child is going through rapid physical changes as well as emotional ups and downs. Young people aren’t always sure where they fit, and they’re still trying to work it out. Adolescence can also be a time when peer influences and relationships can cause you and your child some stress.

What is Family

We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is defined as a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship – whether through blood, marriage, or adoption.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sex Fulfillment

Most people dont like talking about sex, whether you like it or not this is a subject very common among the married. Your attitude towards sex can either resolidify your relationship with your spouse or liquidate the relationship.

Role Of Sex In Relationship

In marriage, sex can strengthen the bond of the marriage. But premature sex is an instrument of destruction to such relationship. The noticeable qualities that are paramount and absolutely necessary in good relationship are respect, dignity, communication and trust.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Mood Swings During Pregnancy: Causes And Treatment Of Mood Swings:

If you are pregnant or are supporting someone through pregnancy, you probably have had some experience with mood swings. You are not alone; mood swings during pregnancy are common. You may be excited about being pregnant, but you can also be stressed or overwhelmed. You may have constant worries that contribute to your mood swings.

Men’s Attitudes Make A Big Difference In Pregnancy:

Men who are becoming fathers have a huge influence on their mate’s psychological demeanor and disposition.  The stress of starting a family can make a big impact on everyone involved.  Men need to take seriously the repercussions of presenting negative or bad attitudes regarding their pregnant mate and all the changes that come with preparing for transitioning to a family. 

Changing Attitudes Toward Single Life And Marriage

Attitudes about the primacy of marriage as a way of life have changed markedly over the past two decades. The legitimacy of singleness as a life-style is increasingly recognized by young people and their parents;

How Pregnancy Changes A Woman’s Brain

We know a lot about the links between a pregnant mother’s health, behavior, and moods and her baby’s cognitive and psychological development once it is born.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Why Women Leave Men They Love: What Every Man Needs to Know

As a marriage counsellor working with men and women in relationship crisis, I help clients navigate numerous issues. While many situations are complex, there’s one profoundly simple truth that men need to know: Women leave men they love.

Why You Should Question Your Marriage Regularly

I question my marriage all the time. When my husband and I get into a fight because he’s so stubborn it pisses me off to the point of throwing things of across the room, I ask myself if it’s possible for us to peacefully coexist. When I feel disappointed because he doesn’t spoil me with presents or capitulate to all my demands, I ask myself if he is really capable of giving me everything that I need.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

15 Biggest Marriage Regrets From Middle-Aged Divorcees

Divorce triggers a lot of different emotions, everything from sadness to regret. In some cases, a split is precipitated by a factor outside the marriage. In other cases, though, couples ask themselves whether there was something they could have done differently to save the relationship.

3 Ways For Finding the Perfect Mate

Like anything worth having, it takes planning and work to find the perfect mate. Maybe Nabilat can help. This is serious business. It takes time. For best result,s you don’t just put on your stiletto heels and hit the sports bars.Finding a life-long partner is like buying a new car; before you go to the showroom, you should know what you want and what you’re willing to pay. Here’s a love-finding strategy guaranteed to work:

7 Ways To Make Your Long-Term Marriage Happier, Starting Today

The honeymoon period in most marriages has a shelf life. But does that mean you can’t bring back those fluttery butterfly feelings of excitement and anticipation everyone experiences at the beginning of a relationship? Absolutely not. All marriages maneuver through rough patches. Some don’t survive long enough to come out the other side unscathed. But many do. Here are 7 ways to keep your marriage fresh.

Finding Yourself Before Finding ‘The One’

We’re all looking for that special someone, that very perfect fit. Someone to make us happy, to grow old with us, to challenge us. Someone to come home to, to take care of us, to be our other half.
I’m constantly finding a disconnect between the ultimate idea of “the one” compared to the one I’m actually with.


MEN STOP DATING A LIABILITY! 1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability)  2.  A la...