Tuesday 11 June 2024


1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability) 

2.  A lady who can't get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability) 

3. Someone who can't comfortably call you on phone for 5 minutes.
Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime...(liability) 

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think relationship is an occupation where she's supposed to be paid and taken care of??
(S*x is not a benefit to only men.). She might not even allow you have the s*x, yet you keep spending on her like government. (liability) 

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content!
Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.
Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who's capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace!
Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. We're not saying she must be rich.
But let her have something doing no matter how little it is, because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days...

Some of you boys just see nyash and be willing to sell everything you have just to make it work,  you might give her 100K today she'll say "thanks" but when you call her tomorrow and tell her to visit you she will say "send transport money" (liability) 
Two good heads are better than one👌👌
---Mr wise .

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Wednesday 27 March 2024


My wife, everyone has gone home. The music is quiet, the celebration is over. Our wedding was beautiful but it is now in the past. We have finished the wedding/marriage, it is now time to build our marriage. All that is left now is the two of us… What we will become tomorrow, starts from tonight. Our life is no longer the same.

There was a day you put on one red dress… You looked so beautiful in it. That Day I wanted to just touch you! We were in the Cinema and I was so tempted. I wanted to just take you inside the toilet and kiss you but I couldn’t. Guess what? Now I have you forever, I can do that everyday.

Before I take off your cloth and make love to you… let me tell you few things.

I have nothing to hide from you from this day. My phone, you can use it like your own. You can access my facebook, my twitter and my Instagram

From today, I have become a child. For the past five years of my life, I have been a man. I wake myself up in the morning, sometimes I go to bed hungry, I do things the way I want to. I come home whenever I want to but all that ends today. From today you become my mother, who will scold me when I come home late, a mother who will wake me up at six to go work, a mother who will ensure I don’t sleep hungry. I am glad I have a mother in you.

I hope you will be a good mother? Don’t be too harsh and I promise I won’t be too stubborn. Sometimes I will give you headache but I promise, I will also be the cure of every headache.

When my parents died, I looked after my brothers and sisters. I was like a father to them. So i will not have problem being a father to you. 

Hope all men wil be as nice as this. Let treat women like egg. Women are precious, they value a lot 🤔🙉🙌🏿🙏✍🏾👀


Tuesday 26 March 2024


1. RECONCILIATION SEX:- Sex is a most potent weapon for diluting and difusing misunderstanding in Marriage. If you don't use SEX to settle some stubborn crisis, then you are missing out and not maximising it. In addition when you both settle a misunderstanding, the person at fault could initiate sex as a way to make up to the other who was on the receiving side of the conflict.

2. HEALING SEX:- There are some sicknesses and diseases that are cured by good Sex I mean very good Sex.  Healing sex is gentle, it is full of grace and elegance. You don't rush it. Mbanu. You do it softly and it hits the bull's eye. Please Husbands, don't throw your weight on her if it's for healing, let the bed carry your weight 100%.

3. PUNISHMENT SEX:- When I counsel couples, are times I hear spouses say "Since he did that, I decided to punish him by depriving him of sex", or "since she refused me, I decided not to touch her again". That is as senseless as saying "since my child failed a Test, I punished him by withdrew him from school". It's foolishness. The wise thing to do is to give your spouse more sex as punishment rather than depriving him or her. When your husband or wife misbehaves, correct them using sex. That is the best punishment. Not slapping or fighting or public disgrace. Punishment sex is very hot. 😷

4. MEMORABLE SEX:- This is a very special kind of sex that you organise and plan for. Every couple must be doing this once in a while. Honeymoons should be organised at least once is a quarter  (once in 3 months). If you have means, do it once a month. You book a hotel for say 3-7 days and retreat to help build your marriage. A kind of Intimacy Retreat. You mustn't go to hotel if you can't afford it. Just send the kids somewhere and make it memorable. Light Candles around and on the blue or green bulb. Use good perfume and the Angels will bear you witness.

5. QUICK SURPRISED SEX:- This is a sex that married couples should do often to build their love life.  One "Quickie" is stronger than 100 Love Charms from India or oshogbo. A Quickie is that very fast sex that a couple does in ODD places or in ODD position. Usually one spouse surprises the other with it. You don't take formal permission quickies. You just start it just like that. MARRIAGES WITHOUT QUICKIES HAVE QUICK PROBLEMS AND BREAK QUICK. Spouses who don't believe in surprise sex are analogue and expired. Quickies can be done in the car. Drive her to a corner and pretend as if the car didn't start. It can take place on kitchen sink or  at the balcony or inside swimming pool or in garden. 

6. EXERCISE SEX:- This type should happen frequently especially in the mornings. God did it that the male organ wakes up in the morning erect to greet it's Owner - the Wife. So as much as humanly possible, let every wife answer the morning  greeting. God's mercies are New Every Morning. Great is His Faithfulness. Mercy and Faithfulness are co-joined twins.

7. ENCOURAGEMENT SEX:- You use this type of Sex to encourage your Spouse to do something or Not to do something.  There are times he wants to do something that you think is not the best of decision, just come in the most seductive way and delay him. When he is exhausted after you have drilled him, speak softly and he will say "I didn't know that was what you were saying before, now I understand you". 

8. REWARD SEX:- This is the type that you reward your spouse for achieving something unique or for exceeding expectations. Reward Sex is not just one round but extended over a period of time. Reward Sex is an open check to do whatever he or she loves. It's extra ordinary.

9. PROCREATION SEX:- This is sex you do purely for pregnancy. When you need child, the best style is the one that gives the husband maximum penetration. Support your wife with pillow is you aren't a longman. But you must make sure it is as wet as wetness can be. Sperm needs wetness to swim inside the womb. When he releases he must remain inside there for a few minutes. Don't pull fast.


Friday 23 February 2024



✔️The Job you do..

So you are a teacher, and he introduces you to his friends as a Nurse, my sister dump him oh..

It will end in tears if you don't.

She's ashamed of the fact that you are a janitor, dry cleaner, or you are a Uber driver and makes sure she's not seen at your work place or with you publicly by her friends. End such a Relationship . 


✔️ The Background you come from.

So she's coming to visit you, and she's looking at your parents and your family house with disgust and she's avoiding hugging your aged mother.

She loves your money and current status but doesn't love where you came from.

This type of woman will cut you off from your family after marriage by hook and by crook. 

She is embarrassed to be seen you around the area you live in, and so any time you want to see her , it has to be in an eatery. End it in this 2024.

✔️Your Physical Looks.

Don't date anybody who doesn't find you physically attractive and keeps on putting you down privately and publicly because of that. 

One of the ways you know somebody who doesn't love you but has come to date you because of your job, money, fame, out of convenience, or someone who is just confused about what they want in life is the fact that they openly and secretly condemn your looks.

You are too fat, was he blind before he asked you out?

You are too short, what does he now want you to do? To commit suicide?

You are too slim, of all the fat girls out there, why did he come to you? 

Your breasts are too small, didn't he see a Mercy Johnson out there to date?

Don't allow anybody give you high blood pressure just because they are dating you.

Don't allow anybody nag you into ulcer and depression because of physical looks..

True Love accepts You.

True Love celebrates You.

True Love doesn't cherry pick some aspects of your life that it's comfortable with and then want you to hide other aspects and pretend it's fine with you when it's not ..


You too, if you won't be proud of someone's family/background, job, and looks, don't date them.

Don't give what you won't take.

Thursday 22 February 2024


 10 Ways To Avoid Heart-Break In Relationships


1. Not all relationships must lead to marriage. Some relationships are for a reason, others are for a season, only few are for a life time. If it doesn’t work out, don’t kill yourself because it was for something. Discover the purpose and move on.


2. Don’t give a man or a woman the totality of your heart before giving the totality of your heart to God. Love that person but put God first.


3. Don’t get carried away with beauty or money, if that person’s inner person cannot keep you, his money or her beauty cannot either.


4. Love is never enough, understanding, compatibility, wisdom, patience and tolerance are equally important.


5. When the negative signs are more than the positive signs. It is better to withdraw your heart before it gets ‘broken’.


6. Extreme jealousy is the quickest way to break that relationship.


7. Don’t demand trust; earn it, build it or show it.


8. Never you compare him or her to someone else.


9. Your relationship should not only be marriage driven but care, love and concern driven.


10. Don’t marry him or him or her because you saw him or her in Asalat or church. Many are in Asalatu or

church but not in touch with God. It is not WHERE you meet, but WHO you meet that counts.

Tuesday 20 February 2024



In A Relationship, Whether Married or still in Courtship, there are things you should not tell another person. You never know who will be the Judas over your relationship. There are high secrets you have to keep only to yourself.

1. Don't tell anybody how weak your partner is. Someone may use it against you/them.

2. Don't tell people how much you quarrel with your partner, make them see it as perfect from the outside while you settle issues from the inside.

3. Don't tell even a best friend how much you get as pocket allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.

4. Men don't tell your friends how good your wife is in bed, that's a secret between you and your wife.

5. Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous mother-in-law.

6. Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.

7. Even if your pastor is not worthy to know how many times you quarrel with your husband, most of them will use it as a sermon. Just talk to God alone.

8. Don't tell the children that their father/mother is a bad person. It can make them hate them.

9. Don't tell anybody about your partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.

10. Don't tell anyone to try seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love. Prevention is better than cure....

Monday 19 February 2024



It is dangerous to force yourself on someone or marry someone who does not love you. When there is no love in marriage, the wedding ring becomes a little handcuff and your marriage becomes a prison yard instead of a paradise on earth.

A man who does not love a woman during courtship will find it difficult to cherish her after getting married. There are people who will never love you no matter how much you show love to them. That's the reality of life. Love is a choice. Don't force yourself on anyone.

Don't keep fighting to be with someone who isn’t fighting to be with you, you can’t keep holding onto someone who is not holding onto you, you can’t keep planning your future with someone who doesn’t plan theirs with you, you can’t keep running back to someone who is running away from you, you can’t keep loving and caring about someone who shows that they no longer love you, and you can’t keep taking someone as a priority yet they are taking you as their option.

Trust me, it’s a waste of time and energy. No matter how hard and hurting it is, you have to let go and open up a new chapter for your life. Because There are thousand of people who are praying and wishing to spend the rest of their lives with you!

Why kill yourself over someone who thinks he/she is doing you a big favor by being in a relationship with you.

You deserve to be happy, loved and cared for not to be sad all the time, to have sleepless nights, to cry and plead for someone’s love. Think about it.

You have to be in a relationship in which you are loved, celebrated, honored and not tolerated. But until you let go of the wrong person from your life, you can't see the right person for your life. 

Sometimes We may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reasons. But one thing is for sure, mistakes help us to find the right person. Know your place in people's life and act accordingly. It's not pride, it is self respect.


1. Any fool can destroy a relationship. Destruction comes very easy. Try dropping an egg and see how easily it breaks. That is how fragile relationships are.

2. Anything good worth having will demand time and effort. If it comes too easy, it may just leave the same way.

3. For a relationship to be successful, you must be willing to make it work.

4. Forget the fantasies you watch on television, things don’t work themselves out unless you do. There’s no ‘living happily ever after’ unless you make it happen.

5. Love is a great feeling. However keeping a relationship successful demands more than your feelings. It takes work.

6. Your emotions can easily lead you astray if you don’t know what you really want. In a moment of monumental stupidity, you can allow your emotions to destroy what took you years to build. Don’t allow it.

7. Every relationship is tested. When you pass that test, you will enjoy your journey.

8. It takes wisdom to build a relationship. If you don’t have the necessary wisdom to make it work, search for it.

9. Before you explode in anger, consider the fact that you are about to throw your whole future away in a few minutes. You don’t have to say every stupid thing that pops into your head. Learn to be patient. Learn to be forgiving.

10. Pride goes before a fall. Learn to be humble and forgive. You are not perfect yourself. Help and support your partner to be the best they can be.


Let's share to educate others 🙏

Class dismissed ✍️🍸

Saturday 17 February 2024



Here's the truth, ladies.

Being pretty doesn't keep a man. Being honest doesn't keep a man. Being loyal doesn't keep a man. Treating a man good doesn't keep a man. Being there for a man doesn't keep a man. Caring about a man doesn't keep a man. Making an effort doesn't keep a man. Paying attention to a man doesn't keep a man. Spending time with a man doesn't keep a man. You could have the best intentions, you could have the most sincere feelings, and you could be a good woman and you still wouldn't be able to keep a man because the only way to keep a man is if that man wants to be kept by you. 

You can't force a man to be with you. You can't beg a man to stay with you.

You can't love a man into loving you. With a man, you could tell he wants to be kept when the relationship gets hard and he does everything to fight for you because a man only fights for a girl he wants to belong to so if he isn't fighting for you when things get hard, then that means he doesn't want to be kept by you anymore. 

The moral of this? Don't hold on to a man who doesn't want to be kept by you. No, you're not giving up on him. It's him who gave up on you, and it's you who shouldn't waste any more of your time than you already have. Know when it's time to let go, know when it's time to walk away, and know when it's time for him to be unkept. A word to the wise.....


Saturday 10 February 2024



Relationshipis one thing that can mess up your lifebe careful. Pray  & be sensible😎 when falling in love💯💯. Love can turn a bright future into a miserable life🚯. It's painful to know that the person you love😍 is actually in love😍 with someone else

It's even more painful to fall in love😍😍 with a person who has another thing in mind😈. Every relationship is a game of risk😯. No one can say which is really going to work🙄. Some relationship mistakes😥can cause a life time regret.

Search for a good heart💙💜 and not a beautiful face. Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful💯. Age and pressure is never a reason to date or marry👫👫. If you are single💇 sometimes means God is putting you on reserve for the person you deserve....

Don't allow the rate of marriages this days make you feel left out😪.. Not all marriages are normal.


..some are suicide mission while some marriages are motivated by Sexual urge and money greed. No love in it. Be careful who you date..the heart of a man is only known by his GOD

Forget face, shape, fame, qualification or money. All this things become Irrelevant in just 5years into the marriage.❌😥.

And never you date someone you know deep down you cannot Marry.

May we not choose wrongly in Jesus name


1. Wear something easy to remove, comfortable and sexy. Make the work of your partner easy to peel off your clothes to reveal the naked you. Yummy lingerie, loose boxer. Sleep naked for best results.

2. Brush your teeth to encourage kissing.

3. Don't carry work to bed.

4. Minimize the use of phones or laptops. Your partner needs attention, the bedroom is sacred.

5. Move the baby to a separate room (if your finances allow you to and you have a home of more than one bedroom) when the baby is of age. The child might have been conceived in the bedroom but is not meant to live in your bedroom that is an exclusive island for two.

6. Gentleman have that one spot besides her lips you kiss each night; whether it's her forehead, fingers, shoulders, back or butt. Lady, stroke him with your gentle touch, your fingers speaking love

7. Make a habit of praising each other's body, it makes you both comfortable and relax. Talk those bedroom matters.

8. Pray together before you sleep, and when you wake up.

9. Apologize and forgive if any wrong was done during the day. Don't sleep with a grudge or anger.

10. Read your partner's body language. If you or your partner desires to make love, then rise to the occasion or wet up to the occasion; whether night or morning glory.

11. Have pillow talks, open your heart and lips and talk intimate stuff. Say how you feel; are you troubled, grateful, broken?

12. Cuddle up when you feel sleep is fast approaching, drown into sleep as your bodies intertwine.

13. Tell each other how much you mean to each other. Your partner never gets enough of your affirmation.

14. Incase one of you farts, laugh about it (some farts are unstoppable)

15. Cover your partner incase you wake up in the middle of the night and find your partner outside the duvet/ blanket.

16. Kiss your partner when you come back from peeing in the middle of the night

17. Hold your partner close and pray when your partner wakes up

Mayor's Discovery Channel

Wednesday 7 February 2024



1...Stop looking for who is not looking for you.📌📌

2... Stop begging.💁💁

3...Stop saying more than necessary.✍️🤙✍️

4...When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.💪

5...Don't eat other people's food more than they eat yours.🤔🤔

6...Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don't reciprocate it.

7...Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.✨💃

8... Stop entertaining gossip about other people.

9...Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.😘🙄

10... Always look your best. Dress the way you should be addressed.✍️💃

11... Be an achiever. Get busy with your goals

12...Respect your time.🏎️

13... Don't stay in a relationship where you don't feel respected and valued. Walk away.🚶🚶

14... Learn to spend money on yourself. That's how people will learn to spend on you.🥂🍾🍱🌮🍔

15... Be scarce sometimes.🌙🌙

16...Be a giver more than a receiver.

17...Don't go where you are not invited. And when invited don't overstay your welcome.

18...Treat people exactly the way you want to be treated.🌻💐

19... Except they owe you money, two call attempts is enough. If they value you they will call you back.

20...Be good at what you do.🧑‍🤝‍🧑





Don't make your wife and the child feel abandoned, even if the pregnancy was not planned


Don't wait for the child to be born to start praying for the child. Pray for the child even when in the womb


When your wife is carrying your child, don't dishonour her by entertaining another woman/women


There is a lot of material about parenting, get knowledgeable. Even if it is not your first child, you can always improve on the kind of father you are


Stressing her will be stressing your baby. Remember she is the home for the unborn. Stress can make the child develop complications or even worse, lead to a miscarriage or still birth


At this point, she is doing a lot, she might get tired easily especially as the pregnancy grows. Attend to her, massage her, shop for her. Take care of her and the unborn


If she develops mood swings, weird cravings or some mannerisms that are peculiar. If she struggles to sleep at night or becomes moody; understand her. It could be the hormones or the pressure


Keep checking up on her. Is she OK? Does she have any fears? Is she having any discharge? Is her blood pressure OK? How is the unborn? What are her thoughts about motherhood?


If you have a wife who craves for sex during pregnancy, that is good, enjoy. But if she finds sex uncomfortable or less desirable or is not in the mood; don't force. She might be in the mood tomorrow, look for ways to pleasure each other such as with hands


A woman loses her body shape as she expands, some develop pimples and stretchmarks and this can make a woman feel less attractive and self-conscious. Some wonder if they will ever get their body back. Boost up her self esteem.

Tuesday 6 February 2024




What you love talking about are stories of others, often negative stories. Your husband looks at you and wonders, is there not something better to talk about?


You lay in bed, lifeless, wanting your husband to do all the work to seduce you. You make no moves on him and he is starting to feel drained because it is not two way.


You rarely see anything good. You are quick to point to your husband his faults. Every day is a new reason to complain. Your husband feels discouraged and slowly he no longer is enjoying your company.


You look down on yourself. You dress down, carrying yourself as a victim to feel sorry for. Your husband tells you that you are beautiful but you don’t believe him. Your lack of self worth is making you less attractive.


You are so used to making your own money, calling the shots and doing life alone that your husband no longer feels needed in your life. He wants to love you but you push him away.


You want to be done for everything. You have no dreams to pursue or plans in life. You just sit around waiting for your husband to attend to you. He no longer sees you as a life partner but as a dependent who just keeps taking, adding no value.


You are superstitious and rigid. According to you, everything pleasurable is from the devil. You have an unhealthy view of God that is making enjoying marriage with you impossible.


You snap so easily. You shout at your husband and children and use your voice harshly. You are not peaceful. Little conversations with you turn into arguments. It is difficult to settle disputes with you. Your husband loves you but talks less with you weighing what to tell you.


You are married but flirt with multiple men at the workplace, in the neighbourhood, on social media, over the phone.

Sunday 4 February 2024




Does things on his own without consulting wife. Hangs out a lot with friends more than wife. Not serious about marriage life.


Is always boiling like acid and always angry violent, moody, dominating and very dangerous.


Wants to be treated like a King but treats his Wife like a Slave. Likes wife to perform old tradition respect and hates being called by their first name.


Husband for every woman. loves and cares for girlfriends more than his wife. Likes giving money to girlfriends and has more female friends.


Very moody and stingy, doesn't consider wife's interest, doesn't make the relationship enjoyable. Has no sense of humour.


Uses wife as a problem solver, only loves wife when in need of something from her. He's clever and knows his wife's weaknesses and capitalizes on that to get relief from his wife.


Lazy and only loves wife for the sake of money. Uses wife's money on girlfriends. No initiative and does not help wife with house responsibilities.


Irresponsible and childish and can't make decisions on his own without asking his mother or relatives; subjects his wife to relatives' dictates thereby running to them when things go wrong.


Not always at home, comes as a visitor. Provia des family with all material things but has no time for them.


Caring and loving; he provides material and emotional needs and makes time for family. He guides home spiritually. Very responsible and treats wife as partner and helper.


Make sure you study your guy very well and know the group he belongs to before saying I do so that you will not regret it later. 

Thanks, lovely friend


 She Truly Loves You Like no Other if You Can See All These 20 Things in her.

To know who truly love you can be a very difficult task, simply because love is not a visible thing that we can all see with out naked eye. Love is what we can only feel inside us, and if we don't pay good attention to all these things, we may not be able to know love, no matter how we try. I love you is not always known by who can say it better, you need to know that genuine things are meant to be known through our actions.

Here are the ways to know when a woman truly love or cares about you:

1. She always have a eye contact with you:  

She always looks at you seductively, mostly when you are both discussing. Anytime you are together she always focus on, paying full attention to whatever you are saying while looking you in the eye.

You need to notice how her eyes light up when she sees you, even when you're busy with other things. Eye contact is a powerful indicator of interest and attraction.

2. She always encourages you:

 If she consistently supports and motivates you to do better, even in activities she may not be interested in, it shows that she cares about your happiness and success.

3. She's always curious to know and be a part of what you are going through:

When someone loves you deeply, they become genuinely worried about your well-being. If she's always there to help and comfort you during challenging times, consider it a sign of her affection.

4. She enjoys being in your company:

If she prefers spending quality time alone with you instead of group outings, it signifies that she sees you as more than just a friend.

5. She can be jealous:

 Jealousy can be an indication of love. If she shows signs of possessiveness when you interact with others, it means she wants you all to herself.

6. She smiles more whenever you are around:

A genuine smile reflects happiness and positivity. If she lights up every time she sees you, it's a positive sign of her fondness for you.

7. She respects you:

 When she values your thoughts, pays attention to what you say, and treats you with respect, it shows that she holds you in high regard.

8. She dress good:

 If she puts effort into looking her best when she knows she'll be seeing you, it's a clear sign that she wants to impress and attract you.

9. She always finds reasons to talk to you:

If she initiates conversations, sends random texts, or shares interesting articles just to engage with you, it means she enjoys your company and wants to know more about you.

10. She expresses her kind gesture to you:

When someone loves you deeply, they'll go the extra mile to make you feel special. If she showers you with affection, endearing terms, or thoughtful gestures, it's a clear sign of her admiration.

11. She wants to be your best friend not anyone else:

 If she considers you her go-to person, shares her daily experiences with you, and expects the same in return, it indicates that she sees a deep connection with you.

12. She cares for your family and much as she cares for you:

 Showing genuine interest in your background, family, and past demonstrates her commitment and willingness to accept you as you are.

13. She doesn't want you to change at all:

 Acceptance is a vital aspect of love. If she embraces all your positive and negative traits without trying to change you, it's a sign that she loves you wholeheartedly.

14. She want you know her friends and family:

When someone is important to us, we naturally share our feelings with our closest friends. If she discusses you with her best friend, it means you hold a significant place in her life.

15. She can cooks for you or want you eat together: 

 She want join her whenever she is eating and also wish to join you when you are eating too. She preparing your favorite dishes and putting effort into making you happy through food is a heartfelt way of expressing love and care.

16. She always make you have deep conversations with her:

 If she engages in meaningful discussions, supports you during difficult times, and genuinely tries to understand you, it shows that she envisions a future with you.

17. She always expresses gratitude:

When she frequently expresses her appreciation for your presence and support, it indicates that she values you deeply and sees you as a potential partner.

18. She always try to explain, herself:

She can do anything to express herself to you just because she doesn't want you misquote or misunderstood her. She use to make sure you understand her always so that you won't doubt her being real with you.

19: she stays submissive:

She cooperate with you and she is very submissive, whenever you want to make her understand or do something she always have listening ears to everything you are saying.

20. She takes to correction:

She didn't make you feel like she knows more better than you. Whenever it's necessary for her to apologize for her some of her errors she does, and whenever you correct her, she yield to it once she knows that what you are correcting her for is truly wrong.

To know if anyone loves you is not wait you can know in a day, you need to keep on studying the person till you are so sure that you are loved.



Because you didn't want to lose him, you lost yourself in the process.

 You became a girl who kept being mistreated and you formed a habit of saying "I'm used to it". 

You became a girl who kept being unappreciated and you began to tell yourself "It's okay".

 You became a girl who kept being undervalued and you learned how to say "I'm fine". 

You also became a girl who kept being put last and you naturally reacted with "It's whatever".

 You became a girl who kept being taken for granted and you dealt with it by repeating "Everything's okay". 

You became a girl who kept being unhappy and you regularly told people "I'm gonna be fine". 

And if you're reading this right now, then you need to ask your self a germane question....
Is this guy worth losing yourself for?   

Is this guy worth suffering for at the expense of your happiness?

 Is this guy worth tormenting yourself over for the sake of making him happy? 

At this point, perhaps losing him is the only way you would be able to get yourself back..

Kindly have a Re-think NOW. (Both Gender)



1. A girl knows how to demand.

A woman knows how to contribute.

2. Girls complain too often.

A woman will observe for a while, and then call her man's attention to the matter arising.

3. Girls can spend 5k on ice cream.

A woman can manage 5k to cook for a week.

4. A girl will wanna keep up with trends.

A woman will wanna consider her man's progress.

5. A girl will never ask how he manages.

Caring after him is a woman's priority.

6. A girl will measure her man's worth by the weight of his pocket.

A woman will measure her man's worth by his level of wisdom, the fear of God and how disciplined he can be towards finances.

7. A girl is naturally selfish, stubborn, and short sighted.

A woman is sacrificial, loyal, future oriented and family minded.

8. A girl wants everything now.

A woman waits until they can both attend to their needs as at when possible.

9. A girl is not considerate.

A woman helps her man to plan.

10. A girl will alwas think of the present

A woman will not only think of the present but the past and the future they both hope for.

You definitely must grow from being a girl to a woman, thanks for your time 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Saturday 3 February 2024



📌Life doesn't wait for you to be okay. Get up every day and keep pushing through.

📌Never force anyone to choose you. You should learn the art of spending time alone. 

📌Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation at any time anywhere. 

📌To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they are not for what you want them to be.

📌Everyone will show you who they are, just give them time. None pretends forever.

📌You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business. What doesn't concern you, leave it. 

📌Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

📌Nobody cares, work hard to get better every day. After all, you are on your own.

📌If you don't work to build your dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose.

📌Free yourself from society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing.

📌30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do. Think about what you can do on your own.

📌You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life. 

📌Life is 100% better when no one knows anything about you. Privacy is a top tier.

📌You become ten times smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics.

📌You need to be smart enough to create and make your opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you.

Take a whole different move this year. See the outcome. 💯🙏👑

Friday 2 February 2024

BEFORE YOU BECOME A WIFE.. (Single ladies)

 BEFORE YOU BECOME A WIFE.. (Single ladies) 


 You are more than a cook and baby factory.

You are on earth for a purpose.

What is your vision, what is your mission? What is your reason for existence?

Do you want to end up without fulfilling your purpose on earth all because of marriage?

Your marriage should not jeopardize your mission and vision rather it should contribute towards making them a realization. 


If you have no job or business you are doing, and you are looking for an ATM man to dump all your financial responsibility on, you will end up a leech, not a wife,a sucker, not a giver, a liability, not an asset,  a burden, not a burden bearer!

Get a job!


Some ladies are in their twenties and they look close to their graves, why?

How many children have you had?

Why are you not firm, smart, healthy, and attractive? 

If you have health issues, darling, pray for healing before you get married.

With faith, you will be healed. 

If you eat junk,  stop the trash and eat healthy food.

Too much sugar, red meat, and chocolates are not good for you.

They are waiting to affect your body in the future.


You don't talk to a man like your errand boy or primary schoolmate.

You talk to him as your head with respect and honor.

If you can't respect a man and regard him as the leader in your relationship, forget about marriage darling or you may end up divorced or a single mother. 


See, men don't joke with their stomachs. Learn to cook different types of food and soup. Routine food eventually becomes tasteless and uninviting. 

Men love adventure.

Children love adventure.

Cooking different types of soup/food makes your husband stay at home and have no need to wander into bukaterias, cafeterias, eateries, etc where daughters of Jezebel may seduce and snatch him from you!


Not by practicing for God's sake,  you are not yet married.

A few months/weeks before your wedding,  learn about your sexual anatomy, sexuality, reproductive organs, genitals,  etc. Be familiar with your body and prepare for quality sêx in MARRIAGE. 

I get too many chats from naive, ignorant brides and it gets to me.

Some even stay off sex for weeks or months on end after the wedding.

What's the meaning of that nonsense? 

▪️ Take a mirror and look at your vagina, labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, and vagina entrance, some say if you look close enough you will see your hymen. Each part has its functions in Marriage. 


A woman who cannot pray is not ready for marriage!

Your husband has a great destiny to fulfill,  you have a great destiny to fulfill, your children have a great destiny to fulfill and the devil won't fold his arms and watch protect your family by soaking them in prayer! 

If you are a lazy spiritual bum as a single lady, your prayer life will end up a sorry case after marriage!

Before you become a wife,  prepare well so you do not help a failure in your husband's house.


Thursday 1 February 2024



are not as bad as we ladies think they are...

men's Actions reflect to the pains they have been through, and how hurt they have been..

men are the most loving and caring beings on earth and women can't compromise that .. 

99% of men can love a lady that has nothing and make her something by building and investing in her growth and stability..

But just 50% of women can do that...

every lady wants an already made man for a relationship,, nowadays ladies aren't ready to start a relationship with a nobody, they want a guy that has what their fathers didn't give them .

but it wasn't so in the beginning..

our mothers were loving and obedience to Their Husband's and the women were the ones that was  practically taking care of their homes.. 

but this generation only depends on men for everything,,

they sell their bodies for Money and material things...

and when they get of age for marriage and no man is coming forth, they start going to Shiloh with someone's son picture... aunty shame on you.

some women will like

he has to buy me clothes

he has to buy me bags

he has to buy me phone

he has to send me money

he has to make my hair ..

aunty kilode 😒

men need love and attention Also.... they're humans like us.. please stop the one sided and stop expecting too much from your partner..

encourage them

Advice them

support them

build with them..

thereby making the best of your relationship or Marriage...

If you can't play a major role in their life then please leave them alone.

Stop hurting them .. 

I rest my case.

Wednesday 31 January 2024



1. 𝗦𝗲𝘅 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗻, 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲, 𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 360% 𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗱, 𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝘆𝗼𝘂. 𝗕𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲, 𝗶𝗳 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂.🧑‍🤝‍🧑💘  

2. 𝗔 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿. 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗳𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆.💰💰✅ 

 3. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝘄𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗣𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲. 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺.💏

  4. 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲.🧚🤍🤍 

 5. 𝗕𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮 𝗵𝘂𝘀𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱.🤍💕 

 6. 𝗦𝗲𝘅 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲, 𝘀𝗲𝘅 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲, 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝘅.💋💋 

7. 𝗦𝗲𝘅 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲.🥀✨  

8. 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝘂𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀, 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆🧚✨.  

9. 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂.🤍✨ 



There are different habits that may hinder a lady from getting married. But here, I'm not going to talk about “Habits”of a lady but rather about “Kinds” of Ladies that face late marriages and most times, No Marriage. Below are the four kinds of ladies that face late marriages and the answers that work.

1. The Perfect Lady

Here, the Perfect Lady do not imply that the Lady herself is perfect. But rather, their expectation of their dream man is too high that they kept being selective on the type of man that they want. 

Most times, the person they love may not like them, and the person that likes them, may not be their love. 

Those Perfect Ladies always want»»», A Tall, Rich, Caring & Handsome man and if the lady is spiritual, she will be waiting for “ *A Perfect Man Without A Weakness* ”. Any woman that misses any of the four qualities ends up being rejected.

#Their Problem: The problem such ladies faces is that they end up loving the “Container” instead of the “Content”.

#The Solution: Accommodate a man who possess at least 50% of the qualities you desire, the rest will develop with love.

2. The Beautiful Lady : A beautiful lady is attractive to the eye. They are victims of multiple relationships. 

Most guys that date beautiful ladies date them for fun. The attractiveness of a lady makes it difficult for her to keep herself for a man. This is because of temptation from men, knocking left, right and centre.

# Their Problem : The problem beautiful ladies face is that no one really loves them for who they are but likes their beauty and men doubts their ability to make a good home. This poses a threat for them to marry because most men considers a beautiful lady as a flirt.

# The Solution: Have a picture of the kind of man you really want to marry. You are lucky that you are beautiful, because you will get proposals from various kinds of men; so be ready to identify that man whom you like to marry. Be loyal to him. He will be proud to marry you.

3. The Rich Man’s Daughter

 The rich man’s daughter bask on the euphoria of her father’s wealth. As far as she’s concerned, her father is her hero and no man can replace her father's love and care. She believes that every man that is running after her is after her father's  wealth. So this makes them unattractive to men. Men are naturally proud and will not like to muddle their hard earned reputation on such an insult. 

# Their Problem: Most rich men’s daughter marry late or marry the wrong man.

# The Solution: The humility of a rich man’s daughter is her greatest weapon to attract men. Men will naturally be drawn to you, if you are humble. Your beauty is secondary.

4. The Career Woman: These ladies are hardworking, ambitious and successful in life. They may be feminist. They are the champions of this saying, “What a man can do, a woman can even do it better”. Marriage is not their headache but career.

# Their Problem: The problem of career women is time management. They run everything in life like business,  even relationship. Secondly, they always want to be the Boss in all things and this poses a threat to men. The more masculine a lady behaves, the less attractive she is to a man. No man wants to marry another man.

# The Solution: Every Career woman, cries in her closet. She prays for a man who will love and treat her like a woman. Your cry is over, woman! Simply be submissive at least to a man. Avoid arguments with him. And be more feminine in your outlook. These are what you need to make a man marry you.

Monday 29 January 2024



A lot of people make the mistake of dating/marrying someone who is not their type. Compatibility matters a lot in every relationship/marriage. 

If you like hanging out, date/marry someone who likes hanging out too. If you love sex so much, date/marry someone who loves sex too. Date/marry someone who likes the things you do.

A lot of marriages have broken down because they are not compatible.

Don't be deceived by material things. Marry your type. It is better to be single, than to marry and divorce. God hates divorce! Therefore, marry the right person and enjoy your marriage. Avoid making a wrong choice. Remember, marriage is a lifetime commitment. Once you are in, you are not expected to come out.

Choose wisely!

Sunday 28 January 2024



Believe it or not women find it difficult to understand the reason why men love sex.

* If they want to help you, they will demand for sex.

* If they say they love you, they want sex.

* You mistakenly sleep over, they want sex.

* They want to borrow money from you, they want sex.

* They want to give you a job, they want sex.

* They want to give you a pass in your exams, they want sex.

First of all, you need to understand the system of men. They didn't ask for that because they didn't create themselves.

Do you know that 95% of healthy men wake up with an erection? Did they bargain for that? No!

Do you know that the penis has a mind of its own?

A man could be reading his Bible and his penis will just stand.

A man can be sleeping and wakes up with an erection.

A man could be sleeping, once you start rubbing the penis, it

stands even when he is still asleep.

Have you ever asked yourself why men are not on periods, cramps or any bad moods? That's how God created them.

A man is naturally always ready for sex. Rub a man on his head, he already thinks you want sex.

Wink at him, he's already seeing you naked.

Wave at a man walking with his wife, he will loose focus.

This is nothing spiritual. It's not about, "ln Jesus Name or Holy

Ghost Fire".

That's why real churches do not allow ladies with short dresses to sit in front, because they will confuse the Pastor.

Men did not manufacture the high libido by themselves.

We are all created in God's image. The only man that overcame the sexual urge according to the good book was Jesus Christ. Joseph's own was that, he didn't just ran away,

he fled!! Jesus is Lord and on top of that, He was very careful not to include a woman among His disciples.

So many great men have fallen because of sex. Do you think they wanted to?

Soldiers in the war front will develop the urge for sex. To show you how bad it is, so many soldiers were killed during

wars because a woman lured them inside bush.

Saturday 27 January 2024



In every relationship, there is a stage to ask yourself "Should I Continue"?

Because it takes absolutely nothing to fall in love. To fall in love is free but to sustain love requires "discipline and dedication"

In a relationship or courtship there is a stage..

√ To Accept what is...

√ To let go off what is not meant to be..

√ To have faith in what will be ....


∆ If you can't have free conversation or dialogue, there is no need to continue..

∆ If after some years the relationship is still not looking like something that has a future, then there's no need to continue on that journey because you'll end up wasting more years of your life that you can't get back.

∆ When family background, class or social status is used against you, then you need to watch it...

∆ If the love and the energy you give is not reciprocated, there's no need to continue.

∆ If you don't trust each other, you can't plant the seed of love. Because love is like a ''seed'' planted on a soil( Trust).. Where there's no trust, there's no love.

∆ If you're not compatible, especially in reasoning and understanding, then there is no need..

∆ If two lovers can't seat down and sort out their issues together, then what are you doing?

∆ In a  relationship where you can't express yourself, opinions and visions are not respected, you need to have a rethink whether to continue..

∆ When their words don't match their actions, there's no need to continue. Don't be naive.

∆ One week, one problem, silent treatment, comparison, gas lighting, toxicity, cheating, lies, you beg for attention, no communication, bad character, physical abuse, emotional torture & manipulation in the relationship then I wonder why you still want to continue.

∆ If your relationship have not affected or impacted your life positively, in character, spiritual consciousness, social domain and success in life..

There is no need to continue.


 I can't wait to get married


So that my wife will wear a sexy mini skirt on a Saturday to seduce me


When she is washing my cloths she will be like "honey help me with hanger"


Then I will come out to give her the hanger and I will smile and say "OMG you look good"


After that I and her will enter the kitchen and she will start frying chicken


While she is frying the chicken then i will hold her from back....


And she will be like "oh Baby wait let me finish frying this chicken first"


And she will be like "Are you not hungry?" 

I will smile😁😁😁

And look into her eyes And say "baby U are more important than this Food"


And I will be like "Thank God For giving me a wonderful woman like you" 😊😊😊😊

After that...

I will carry her And we enter Bedroom




The food will burn and the house will catch fire


then we run out naked


with boxers and pants in our 


😂 😂 😂 

Then we build another house and continue our thing😋😋💯🙏👑



When a person truly loves and care about you, you don't need to remind them of taking care of you because they'll willingly make time for you no matter how tight their issues might be.

💘 When there's love, there's no excuse not to show it.

💘 When you're not taken serious by a person, it means you're not the first on their list.

💘 When you mean a lot to someone, there'll be evidence.

Nobody is too busy! 

It's a matter of how important you mean to them.

Don't be deceived, Value brings about care...When a person doesn't care, its obvious that your value is not known.

Turn back and go to where you'll be celebrated, where someone will need more of you and stop hurting yourself. 



1. When you miss your special one, call him/her. "I miss you" means nothing if you don't do anything about it

2. Sometimes what your spouse wants is not even an hour long phone conversation from you. A one or a few minutes phone call is enough to brighten up your spouse's day

3. If you two are in a long distance relationship, don't ignore or stop calling; especially if phone calls are the only way to connect

4. Don't always text and chat. Sometimes make that phone call, it is more intimate 

5. Don't attack your spouse with words such as "Where have you been, the phone call rang for a while? What have you been doing?" It makes your spouse defensive at the onset and communicates you are quick to suspect your spouse simply for picking the call seconds late

6. If you see your spouse's missed call, return them

7. Don't order your spouse to give his/her phone to the person near them to prove what they are saying is true. It is demeaning

8. Start phone calls warmly and end phone calls warmly. It makes your spouse enjoy talking to you

9. Before you tell your spouse what you called him/her for, find out how he/her is. It shows care. Don't just go straight at saying "Send me money for fuel, I am stuck"

10. Don't make it a habit to always walk away from your spouse when speaking to someone else over the phone. Your spouse might think you are hiding something 

11. Don't be harsh when talking to your spouse over the phone, especially when he/she is in public. It will make your spouse avoid picking up your calls

12. Sometimes video call your spouse, to show your spouse you wanted to see his/her smile and to share a moment 

13. Don't hang up calls on your spouse, even if you two have an argument. It communicates disrespect. If you two are having a not so pleasant conversation, you can say "Hun, I don't think this conversation is going well. I love you. Please allow me to end the call, we will talk later". That thoughtful ending alone will help you two solve the issue maturely

14. Let it not be that your spouse can hear you enjoying talking to another on phone calls but you rarely call him/her or when you do, it lacks warmth

15. Let your phone conversations have warmth, the right tone, humour, interesting content, courtesy and appreciation. This way, you two will look forward to phone connections

16. Remember that communication is not about how many times you phone call each other, but the quality of those phone calls 

17. Remember you two are blessed to have mobile phones and technology to connect. Many people in the past didn't have this privilege; make good use of it

Be smart with your smart phone

Friday 26 January 2024


 Some men don’t understand the importance of having a good woman that genuinely cares for you. Not the sex, not the money, or anything material, but YOU! When she really likes you she will accept your flaws and do things to help you become a better man. 

Not because she wants something from you but because she truly has your best interest at heart. Don’t mess that up or take it for granted because if you do you will miss out on the GENUINE CARE that you won’t be able to get back. Women like this are hard to find these days.❤️

Thursday 25 January 2024



1. You find a handsome one, the brain is empty.

2. You find a brilliant one. He looks too serious.

3. You find a rich one, he is disrespectful.

4. You find a hard-working one, he never has time for you.

5. You find a serious one, his EX keeps calling.

6. You find a humble one, he is broke.

7. You find a responsible one, he is not romantic.

8. You find an educated one, he feels he is always right.

9. You find an illiterate one, he always gets angry whenever you correct him.

10. You find a smart one, he lies every time.



1. The less you say, the more your words will matter.

2. Don't take everything personally. Not everyone thinks about you, as much as yourself does.

3. When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.

4. No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggle changed your life for the better.

5. There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.

6. Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.

7. When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similar to physical pain.

8. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

9. Once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.

10. If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future.

11. Life is a mirror and will reflect to the thinker what he thinks into it.

12. Life is ten per cent what happens to you and ninety per cent how you respond to it.

13. The only person you have to face in the morning is yourself.

14. Nothing feels as good as something you do from the heart.

15. You are a reflection of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

16. Your potential is directly correlated to how well you know yourself.

May God bless you 🙏🙏🙏

Wednesday 24 January 2024



The word survive is used because everyone's desire is to live within reach of their partner. But sometimes life gives you a good partner yet circumstance separates you physically. How do you cope?


Trust is the reason that will keep the fire burning. Trust is not just blindly given, show you are trustworthy by being open, having a record of dependability and honesty, keep your partner on the know, share details. Do things that make you your partner secure. Let your partner know of your schedules over there. Be predictable


Unlike other more fortunate partners who get to meet each other so often to go on dates; make up for the lack or minimal frequency of physical connection by chatting and opening up with each other on the phone. This way, your fantasies and desire will remain directed towards your partner even though far apart. Let your cheeky and talkative ways come alive on the phone and online.


Share your feelings, say it when you feel low, pour your frustrations on each other brought about by the distance and walk together towards making it bearable.


Define the future, where you two are heading to, talk alot about the future, the goal of why you are together, why you need each other; give each other a hope to hold on to.


You are distant from each other now but come up with a plan that will bring about a permanent solution where you two will finally be together for good. When there is no end in sight the heart gets tired of waiting for love to be within reach; but when a time frame is put, when the heart knows that the distance is only for 3 months, 6 months, a year, two years, that gives motivation to develop the love.


Use every available communication technology to warmly keep in touch as often as possible. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Watsapp, Email, Text, Phonecall; don't let it be out of sight, out of mind, out in the cold.


Loving someone far away from you is tough. Pray together, commit your love to God, it will make the pain easy to bear. You are not physically where your partner is but God is.


The few times you get to be together, make those moments so amazing that when you part, you will have good memories to keep you going as you look forward to meeting physically again to make new memories.


In as much as you love that person, a vacuum is left by that person not being physically present. Guard yourself so that you don't turn to another to meet your emotional and physical needs. No one wants a partner far away, we all want our needs met here and now but long-distance relationships call for discipline, loyalty and commitment. Hang in there, your partner wishes to be near you, but for now just be patient, soon your needs in love will be adequately met.


Even as you wait for each other, life should not stall or stagnate. Don't feel bad and lonely to the point you forget you need to grow as an individual, before you grow as a couple. Take this time you are apart to build you just as your partner is far away advancing himself/ herself at work or study so that you two can have the best future.

Remember, love is not about how near or far you are to each other but having each other. Someone can be sleeping next to their spouse every night yet be unfaithful, another can be miles away and be faithful to their spouse. Each couple has their own journey, walk it together.


 Dear men;

When you look at various women , there is always something that you can admire until you wish to sleep with her, something different from your wife’s. 

May be it is boobs especially if she is yet to bre.ast feed, may be it is hips, may be it is her lips , may be it is her complexion, may be it is her voice etc.

If you think you can keep going for every woman you desire; you will never have enough because every woman has something desirable. It is like going into a hotel with all types of foods and you decide you want to eat all foods , you will just end up sick. 

No one gets enough of wine if you think you can mix all wines, the best way to enjoy wine is to drink just one type that you really love and enjoy it forever.

Staying faithful has little to do with your woman, it has everything to do with you as a man. 

It is upon you to make a decision to stay faithful for the sake of the woman you love. It is up to you to treat one woman like a queen.

 A kingdom with more than one queen is divided and soon it will fall. 

Loving a million women amounts to nothing but loving one woman in a million ways makes you great.

There is a lot of happiness in faithfulness. It is so fulfilling to love one woman above all women . 

A rolling stone gathers no moss, and a man who keeps wandering from one women into another never finds true happiness in life...... Make a happy home my brothers.

God bless you immeasurably 😘



1. True girlfriends are very jealous. If you are dating them, don't even flirt with another girl. (It hurts them a lot). 

2. They act like they are very mature on the first outing. But once they are free with you, believe me, they will give you headache. (They do so because they trust you).  

3. They don't need your money. Your sincerity to them matters a lot (that does not mean you won't buy something for them).  

4. They get angry for every little reason. They just want to hear that word "I'm sorry "(it means a lot to them). 

5. If they love you, they love you for real. But if they hate you, just forget it (go and download another love elsewhere). 

6. They don't cheat (these ones are wife material, but very rare).  

7. They Slay but they don't smoke, they drink alcohol little, they like clubbing little, once once.

8. They have the heart of an egg, easily broken (so don't hurt them). 

9. They help in planning your future with you because they want the best for you (marry them). 

10. They love when you hug them, kiss them deeply and whisper to their ears "I LOVE YOU ".

Stay intentional❣️

Monday 22 January 2024



What is dating? dating is any social activity in which your romantic interest is focused on one particular person and that person interest is focused on you. 

Whether on the phone or face to face in the open or in secret, if you and a friend of the opposite sex have a special romantic understanding and communicate regularly. It's dating. 

Why do you want to date? 

In many cultures dating is regarded as a legitimate way for two people to become better acquainted. But dating should have honourable purpose to help a young man and woman determine if they want to get married to each other. 

Granted, some of your peers might take a casual view of dating. Perhaps they simply enjoy being with a special friend of opposite sex, without any intention of marriage. 

Some might even view such a friend as little more than a trophy or an accessory to be seen with in the public to boost their own self esteem. 

Such relationship are short lived. 

Many young ones who date break up with each other a week later. 

When you date someone, you're affecting that person's feelings. So be sure your intentions are honourable. 

Think: would you like someone to play with your feelings as if they were some child's toy - to be picked up for a moment and then quickly abandoned?


MEN STOP DATING A LIABILITY! 1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability)  2.  A la...