Thursday 23 February 2017

Is She Interested In You? 20 Simple Signs That A Girl Is interested Part 2

11. She isolates herself with you

Girls are often more physically vulnerable than guys. In many environments, such as bars/nightclubs, girls hang in small groups with other females.
This group of females watch each other’s back and keep one another safe. And this group generally can’t be torn apart, unless of course, the right guys come along.

When a girl purposely isolates herself from her group, to be in your company, she’s probably interested in getting to know you.
Whenever a girl did this, I would use the “zebra” code word to my friends.

This is because, after studying the way lions hunt, I realised that once a lion has a single zebra separated from the pack of zebras, it’s pretty much has it. The same is true with the mating game in humans. When a girl ‘zebras’ (separates) herself from the group, she’s strongly considering you.
If she chooses that she’d like to separate not only from her group but everyone and everything else, to be in your company, this is an even better sign.
For example, when a girl suggests that she would like to leave a party to watch a movie at your place with you, just the two of you… you will know that the movie is probably the last thing on her mind.

12. She warns you off another girl

Have you ever had a girl come up and warn you off a girl who has been the subject of your attention?
The girl may say something like “I just don’t trust her”. Or “She’s beneath you”.
Well what she really means by this is “You’re for me, not her”. She could be interested!

Remember that women are very territorial, so once they like you, they will do whatever they can to keep you interested in them and this is a very common tactic they use subconsciously.
If this does happen to you, only take her advice with a pinch of salt. You need to be the one that makes the decision of whether the girl is as bad as she says she is.

13. Her grooming is immaculate

When a girl meets up with a guy she likes, she tries to make herself as visually flattering as possible. So it’s visually quite easy to tell if a girl is trying to impress you.

Before a date with you, did she put more energy into prettying herself than she did when she went out with a platonic friend? Does she put in a lot of effort even though you were just going to the movies or doing something very casual?

This is a sign! Remember, the key thing to focus on here is what she does differently with you compared to what she normally does. This is what truly determines her level of interest.
Also be on the lookout to see if a girl is particularly trying to get you to pay attention to her specific favourite body parts – such as her legs or her breasts.

14. She finds ridiculous excuses to contact you

When I was in college, I once had a girl ring me up in the middle of the night. When I answered the phone, she pretended that I had actually rung her. I went along with it. She then invited me to her room.
Girls will find any excuse to contact you when they are keen, even if the excuse makes no sense at all.
Here’s another example, I often had girls banging on the door of my apartment, late at night, after they had been out drinking. Whenever a girl did this, she never had any plausible excuse. It was always “I was just wondering what you are up to?” It’s 3 in the morning!
Ok, I know its overkill, but here’s another – once I was at a Pearl Jam concert and a very attractive girl came up to me, asking for a cigarette paper to roll her tobacco.

I didn’t smoke, so I got a paper from my friend and gave it to her. As she started rolling her cigarette, I noticed that inside her tobacco pouch she already had plenty of cigarette papers. She just wanted an excuse to come over.
Basically, if you catch a girl out, if you realise that their reason to contact you or to catch up is just nonsense – this is a good sign!

15. She keeps extending your time together

When a girl is with you, on a date or some other meeting, they have finite time. They have something else they need to do in the future.
When a girl puts off leaving your company, you know that her interest level is rising. When it happens continually, you know her interest is even stronger.

I’ve been on dates where a girl has pre-warned me that she needs to be home by a reasonable hour.
The date goes on and every so often the girl says “I should really go home…” Next thing you know it’s the next morning and they are still with you.
She’s also saying that to make you want her more, so that you think “Oh crap, I haven’t got long with her, I need to impress her”.

16. She lets you be dominant and assumes the submissive role

When a girl gives you dominance and control over the situation, she could be interested. This could be as simple as letting you decide what to do on the date, what to drink, what to eat etc.
I have also noticed that when I meet taller women who are attracted to me, they instantly make themselves appear shorter to come down to my average height.

They develop bad posture. They let me still be dominant. Whenever I have noticed a taller girl do this I have always found out that she indeed likes me.
It’s a biological response that women do naturally which they can’t control. They are attracted to dominant confident men!

17. She wants to seem similar to you

When a person likes someone, they often try to seem similar to that person in order to attract them. Subconsciously we all know that like attract like and birds of a feather flock together.
There are a few ways a girl can do this. One is through matching.
Matching is when she directly copies you in order to seek rapport with you.
This can be either done subconsciously or consciously. Examples are copying your body movements and posture. For example, if you were to suddenly move forward in your chair, if she were to do the same, she is matching you.
Or she could copy specific words or phrases that you say.
Or even pretend to have the same tastes in music, food and so on, or slightly exaggerate her interest in things which you find interesting.

18. She touches you

Touch could be as innocent as “accidentally” brushing you as she walks past, pretending to bump into you or as obvious as grabbing your ass. Touch says it all.
I call the following the ultimate test, as this is a way to find out, for certain, if a girl really likes you. This technique has worked for me so many times I have lost count. It was my saviour test! I always used it.
When you are sitting near a girl, touch her slightly. Maybe put your leg or arm next to hers. Basically, have a part of both of your bodies slightly touching. Keep it there.
If she moves herself away and stays away, then your romance may not go any further. But if she continues to touch you, it is a good sign.
Then after a while, test her interest even more by getting even closer to her. Have more of yourselves touching each other.
If all goes well, intimacy will develop.
Here’s a secondary touch test as well. It’s not as good as the former, but it still works. When you’re with a girl and are at the point where you are slightly comfortable, be a bit cheeky.
Playfully pretend to push her or trip her up slightly etc. Do it in a fun playful way, you know, like you would have as a kid. It lets her know that it’s ok to touch each other.
And later on in the encounter, if things are heating up and she feels likes touching you, she will instantly remember the previous playfight and know she can ‘play it safe’ by using the same method back.
She may decide to trip you up or push you, but it will be worth it.
If a girl initiates a playfight with you – she’s probably interested. She wants to touch you and this is an acceptable way for her to initiate that. It doesn’t matter if you had only tripped her up a half an hour ago. If she initiates it again by herself, she’s interested.
And armed with this signal you can then step it up a level with the touch, put an arm around her or even pull her in for a kiss.

19. She validates herself as a potential mate

Girls often validate themselves as potential mates when they like you. For example, if you tell a girl that you like girls who are independent, she may respond at that point how she is independent, or mention it later on, as a way to validate herself to you.
I find this a lot with girls.
For example, I find that when I am older than a girl by enough years to make it significant, a girl will often make special mention how their past boyfriends have been older, or how they are more mature than other girls their age, or some other method to validate.
There are hundreds of examples here, just take notice when you see this signal.

20. She talks to you differently

When a girl, or her friends, tell you she is interested, you can probably trust her/their words.
Also watch for other signs in her/their talk.
For example, if you ask a girl if she has a boyfriend and she replies “no”. Then her friend interrupts “Yes, you do!” And she again replies “I do not!” You know that she probably has a boyfriend, but is interested in you.
Does she try to impress you with what she says? Or is her questioning very intimate, on topics such as your family, past relationships etc? In certain situations, these could be signs of interest.

There are a million other things she or her friends could say that would give the game away. Too many to include in this article. Most are obvious anyway, so keep an ear out.

And remember, in all that I teach here, it is more important to be able to read human psychology then it is to try to learn rules to each and every situation. People who are great with women are great with their level of “social intelligence”. So get out there and improve your skills socially!

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