Tuesday 11 June 2024


1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability) 

2.  A lady who can't get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability) 

3. Someone who can't comfortably call you on phone for 5 minutes.
Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime...(liability) 

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think relationship is an occupation where she's supposed to be paid and taken care of??
(S*x is not a benefit to only men.). She might not even allow you have the s*x, yet you keep spending on her like government. (liability) 

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content!
Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.
Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who's capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace!
Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. We're not saying she must be rich.
But let her have something doing no matter how little it is, because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days...

Some of you boys just see nyash and be willing to sell everything you have just to make it work,  you might give her 100K today she'll say "thanks" but when you call her tomorrow and tell her to visit you she will say "send transport money" (liability) 
Two good heads are better than oneπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
---Mr wise .

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Wednesday 27 March 2024


My wife, everyone has gone home. The music is quiet, the celebration is over. Our wedding was beautiful but it is now in the past. We have finished the wedding/marriage, it is now time to build our marriage. All that is left now is the two of us… What we will become tomorrow, starts from tonight. Our life is no longer the same.

There was a day you put on one red dress… You looked so beautiful in it. That Day I wanted to just touch you! We were in the Cinema and I was so tempted. I wanted to just take you inside the toilet and kiss you but I couldn’t. Guess what? Now I have you forever, I can do that everyday.

Before I take off your cloth and make love to you… let me tell you few things.

I have nothing to hide from you from this day. My phone, you can use it like your own. You can access my facebook, my twitter and my Instagram

From today, I have become a child. For the past five years of my life, I have been a man. I wake myself up in the morning, sometimes I go to bed hungry, I do things the way I want to. I come home whenever I want to but all that ends today. From today you become my mother, who will scold me when I come home late, a mother who will wake me up at six to go work, a mother who will ensure I don’t sleep hungry. I am glad I have a mother in you.

I hope you will be a good mother? Don’t be too harsh and I promise I won’t be too stubborn. Sometimes I will give you headache but I promise, I will also be the cure of every headache.

When my parents died, I looked after my brothers and sisters. I was like a father to them. So i will not have problem being a father to you. 

Hope all men wil be as nice as this. Let treat women like egg. Women are precious, they value a lot πŸ€”πŸ™‰πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™✍πŸΎπŸ‘€


Tuesday 26 March 2024


1. RECONCILIATION SEX:- Sex is a most potent weapon for diluting and difusing misunderstanding in Marriage. If you don't use SEX to settle some stubborn crisis, then you are missing out and not maximising it. In addition when you both settle a misunderstanding, the person at fault could initiate sex as a way to make up to the other who was on the receiving side of the conflict.

2. HEALING SEX:- There are some sicknesses and diseases that are cured by good Sex I mean very good Sex.  Healing sex is gentle, it is full of grace and elegance. You don't rush it. Mbanu. You do it softly and it hits the bull's eye. Please Husbands, don't throw your weight on her if it's for healing, let the bed carry your weight 100%.

3. PUNISHMENT SEX:- When I counsel couples, are times I hear spouses say "Since he did that, I decided to punish him by depriving him of sex", or "since she refused me, I decided not to touch her again". That is as senseless as saying "since my child failed a Test, I punished him by withdrew him from school". It's foolishness. The wise thing to do is to give your spouse more sex as punishment rather than depriving him or her. When your husband or wife misbehaves, correct them using sex. That is the best punishment. Not slapping or fighting or public disgrace. Punishment sex is very hot. 😷

4. MEMORABLE SEX:- This is a very special kind of sex that you organise and plan for. Every couple must be doing this once in a while. Honeymoons should be organised at least once is a quarter  (once in 3 months). If you have means, do it once a month. You book a hotel for say 3-7 days and retreat to help build your marriage. A kind of Intimacy Retreat. You mustn't go to hotel if you can't afford it. Just send the kids somewhere and make it memorable. Light Candles around and on the blue or green bulb. Use good perfume and the Angels will bear you witness.

5. QUICK SURPRISED SEX:- This is a sex that married couples should do often to build their love life.  One "Quickie" is stronger than 100 Love Charms from India or oshogbo. A Quickie is that very fast sex that a couple does in ODD places or in ODD position. Usually one spouse surprises the other with it. You don't take formal permission quickies. You just start it just like that. MARRIAGES WITHOUT QUICKIES HAVE QUICK PROBLEMS AND BREAK QUICK. Spouses who don't believe in surprise sex are analogue and expired. Quickies can be done in the car. Drive her to a corner and pretend as if the car didn't start. It can take place on kitchen sink or  at the balcony or inside swimming pool or in garden. 

6. EXERCISE SEX:- This type should happen frequently especially in the mornings. God did it that the male organ wakes up in the morning erect to greet it's Owner - the Wife. So as much as humanly possible, let every wife answer the morning  greeting. God's mercies are New Every Morning. Great is His Faithfulness. Mercy and Faithfulness are co-joined twins.

7. ENCOURAGEMENT SEX:- You use this type of Sex to encourage your Spouse to do something or Not to do something.  There are times he wants to do something that you think is not the best of decision, just come in the most seductive way and delay him. When he is exhausted after you have drilled him, speak softly and he will say "I didn't know that was what you were saying before, now I understand you". 

8. REWARD SEX:- This is the type that you reward your spouse for achieving something unique or for exceeding expectations. Reward Sex is not just one round but extended over a period of time. Reward Sex is an open check to do whatever he or she loves. It's extra ordinary.

9. PROCREATION SEX:- This is sex you do purely for pregnancy. When you need child, the best style is the one that gives the husband maximum penetration. Support your wife with pillow is you aren't a longman. But you must make sure it is as wet as wetness can be. Sperm needs wetness to swim inside the womb. When he releases he must remain inside there for a few minutes. Don't pull fast.


Friday 23 February 2024



✔️The Job you do..

So you are a teacher, and he introduces you to his friends as a Nurse, my sister dump him oh..

It will end in tears if you don't.

She's ashamed of the fact that you are a janitor, dry cleaner, or you are a Uber driver and makes sure she's not seen at your work place or with you publicly by her friends. End such a Relationship . 


✔️ The Background you come from.

So she's coming to visit you, and she's looking at your parents and your family house with disgust and she's avoiding hugging your aged mother.

She loves your money and current status but doesn't love where you came from.

This type of woman will cut you off from your family after marriage by hook and by crook. 

She is embarrassed to be seen you around the area you live in, and so any time you want to see her , it has to be in an eatery. End it in this 2024.

✔️Your Physical Looks.

Don't date anybody who doesn't find you physically attractive and keeps on putting you down privately and publicly because of that. 

One of the ways you know somebody who doesn't love you but has come to date you because of your job, money, fame, out of convenience, or someone who is just confused about what they want in life is the fact that they openly and secretly condemn your looks.

You are too fat, was he blind before he asked you out?

You are too short, what does he now want you to do? To commit suicide?

You are too slim, of all the fat girls out there, why did he come to you? 

Your breasts are too small, didn't he see a Mercy Johnson out there to date?

Don't allow anybody give you high blood pressure just because they are dating you.

Don't allow anybody nag you into ulcer and depression because of physical looks..

True Love accepts You.

True Love celebrates You.

True Love doesn't cherry pick some aspects of your life that it's comfortable with and then want you to hide other aspects and pretend it's fine with you when it's not ..


You too, if you won't be proud of someone's family/background, job, and looks, don't date them.

Don't give what you won't take.

Thursday 22 February 2024


 10 Ways To Avoid Heart-Break In Relationships


1. Not all relationships must lead to marriage. Some relationships are for a reason, others are for a season, only few are for a life time. If it doesn’t work out, don’t kill yourself because it was for something. Discover the purpose and move on.


2. Don’t give a man or a woman the totality of your heart before giving the totality of your heart to God. Love that person but put God first.


3. Don’t get carried away with beauty or money, if that person’s inner person cannot keep you, his money or her beauty cannot either.


4. Love is never enough, understanding, compatibility, wisdom, patience and tolerance are equally important.


5. When the negative signs are more than the positive signs. It is better to withdraw your heart before it gets ‘broken’.


6. Extreme jealousy is the quickest way to break that relationship.


7. Don’t demand trust; earn it, build it or show it.


8. Never you compare him or her to someone else.


9. Your relationship should not only be marriage driven but care, love and concern driven.


10. Don’t marry him or him or her because you saw him or her in Asalat or church. Many are in Asalatu or

church but not in touch with God. It is not WHERE you meet, but WHO you meet that counts.

Tuesday 20 February 2024



In A Relationship, Whether Married or still in Courtship, there are things you should not tell another person. You never know who will be the Judas over your relationship. There are high secrets you have to keep only to yourself.

1. Don't tell anybody how weak your partner is. Someone may use it against you/them.

2. Don't tell people how much you quarrel with your partner, make them see it as perfect from the outside while you settle issues from the inside.

3. Don't tell even a best friend how much you get as pocket allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.

4. Men don't tell your friends how good your wife is in bed, that's a secret between you and your wife.

5. Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous mother-in-law.

6. Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.

7. Even if your pastor is not worthy to know how many times you quarrel with your husband, most of them will use it as a sermon. Just talk to God alone.

8. Don't tell the children that their father/mother is a bad person. It can make them hate them.

9. Don't tell anybody about your partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.

10. Don't tell anyone to try seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love. Prevention is better than cure....

Monday 19 February 2024



It is dangerous to force yourself on someone or marry someone who does not love you. When there is no love in marriage, the wedding ring becomes a little handcuff and your marriage becomes a prison yard instead of a paradise on earth.

A man who does not love a woman during courtship will find it difficult to cherish her after getting married. There are people who will never love you no matter how much you show love to them. That's the reality of life. Love is a choice. Don't force yourself on anyone.

Don't keep fighting to be with someone who isn’t fighting to be with you, you can’t keep holding onto someone who is not holding onto you, you can’t keep planning your future with someone who doesn’t plan theirs with you, you can’t keep running back to someone who is running away from you, you can’t keep loving and caring about someone who shows that they no longer love you, and you can’t keep taking someone as a priority yet they are taking you as their option.

Trust me, it’s a waste of time and energy. No matter how hard and hurting it is, you have to let go and open up a new chapter for your life. Because There are thousand of people who are praying and wishing to spend the rest of their lives with you!

Why kill yourself over someone who thinks he/she is doing you a big favor by being in a relationship with you.

You deserve to be happy, loved and cared for not to be sad all the time, to have sleepless nights, to cry and plead for someone’s love. Think about it.

You have to be in a relationship in which you are loved, celebrated, honored and not tolerated. But until you let go of the wrong person from your life, you can't see the right person for your life. 

Sometimes We may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reasons. But one thing is for sure, mistakes help us to find the right person. Know your place in people's life and act accordingly. It's not pride, it is self respect.


MEN STOP DATING A LIABILITY! 1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she loves. (liability)  2.  A la...